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[IRCA] TP DX in Seattle on Sept 22

My reception today was very similar to what Gary and Dennis reported. Several low end NHK stations had their best signals of the season, as did the North Korean on 657. I also had a tantalizing carrier (possibly from the KBS station) on 711 trying to break through the KIRO splash and almost succeeding.

The upper part of the dial was less interesting, with most stations putting in half-hearted appearances at best. Even 1566 was below normal.

GOOD - a native speaker would have understood most of it for at least a minute or so
594    JOAK, man & woman conversing 1331
747 JOIB, English lesson peaking 1323, woman talking about American Revolution //774
774    JOUB, English lesson quite strong today 1300-1330
972    HLCA, Korean man & woman 1342, not as strong as yesterday
1566 HLAZ, peaking for a couple of minutes 1317 with Japanese woman. Otherwise mostly just fair-poor today

FAIR - a native speaker would have recognized words and sentence fragments
657    DPRK, angry Korean woman 1324
828    JOBB English lesson 1321
981    CNR1, man in Chinese 1340-43
1287    JOHR, phone conversation 1331

POOR - unintelligible
567    JOIK talk //594
693    JOAB, language lessons in CBU splatter 1316
819    DPRK 1326, woman singing in KGNW splatter
864    Talk, possibly Japanese, peaking 1324
945    bits of audio trying to make it past KJR splatter 1307, probably CNR1
1053     jammer 1324
1206    Yanbian PBS, 1333 traces of talk on 1205.95
1242    traces of music 1324
1332    talk 1327, sounded Japanese
1575    traces of talk 1340

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