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[IRCA] We need help this month.

July 31 2014


Thanks for your interest in keeping radio history safe. We've been
doing this for 10 years now, and only because of the help we get from
many people.

Each month our financial partners help us meet the costs and this
July it has not been possible to meet our obligations, and we are
still $821 short of what is needed.

We know you have many calls on your funds, but if you can make a
donation towards our operating costs [all work is undertaken by
unpaid volunteers] right now, we'd be very grateful.

You can visit us at www.radioheritage.net to make a donation today,
and we will be honored to add your name to the current list of
supporters, or upgrade you if you are an existing supporter.

It is now possible to make small and regular donations if this is
more convenient.

July and August are our toughest months mainly because folks are
enjoying the fine summer weather.

Thank you for your continued interest and support for what we do.
You'll be pleased to know that visits to our project website continue
to show an increase this year. Behind the scenes, the work goes on on
many projects, and we continually get sent additions to our

Our volunteers really do thank you for joining them in your own way
and making it possible to keep the radio memories safe for everyone
to enjoy.

Radio Heritage Foundation
Email code PW7 to be removed from this mailing list and allow 15 days
for a volunteer to manually find and remove your name. Please note
that we are currently running a few days behind our schedule removing
names because of other calls on volunteer time. 

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