Re: [IRCA] The sky is not falling, and the hobby's far from dead
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Re: [IRCA] The sky is not falling, and the hobby's far from dead

Scott - 
  Others as well report that broadcasters around the country say HD more 
suitable on FM, that AM iBLOC is 'DOA' for reasons you cite, among others.
 Then why press for 24/7? That affects FM not one scintilla and solely refers 
to AM. 

The HD gang's behavior troubles many. They want it both ways. They object to 
being callled disingenous as they make contradictory, manipulative fanciful 
Why don't they see the paradigm? Do they think we don't?
 In addition to de facto jamming, two troubling qualities mark iBLOC.
First, reflexive denials about noise spoken first smoothly, which quickly 
regress to belligerent incoherent manipulations, when questioners persist.
Second, troubling moreso for them as time passes, HD proponents'  vindictive 
mindset. Might one might describe it as 'No more AM Stereo fiascos - or 
else."? Unduly influencing broadcasters and keeping listeners deliberately 
uninformed, paint a troubling portrait of those bound inextricably to self-defeating 
Hopefully, time will prove you correct. Aren't people generally slow to 
anger, quick to forgive? They even forgive fibs, don't they? But will they forget 
overstated serial lies told by HD promoters? Is that why some, even now, 
observe, "Everything about HD is a lie"?
It can only be one way or another. If no interest in iBLOC AM, they why the 
grinding pressure to approve AM, 24/7? Do they see how they betray themselves?

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