Re: [IRCA] IBOC/analog reception comparisons.
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Re: [IRCA] IBOC/analog reception comparisons.

--- Russ Johnson <k3pi@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:

> Okay, finally - the essence of it. Thank you.
> It's just marketing...creating the "cool factor."  Why not save a lot
> of time, effort, money and anguish?  Just give analog radio a "cool"
> new name.  How about listen to WAR (Wireless Analogue Radio)...make
it sound European, verrrry cool. 
> As far as that goes, "Terrestrial" sounds pretty neat-o spiffy too. 
> Or, WXYZ brings you this program in "Pure AG".
> Give the marketing boys a million bucks to give radio a cool new name
and be done with it. 
> There might even be words or labels out there that are cooler than

*** Indeed ! 

And here's the acid test. We have all of these stations now running
IBOC, and advertising that "now broadcasting in high definition" or
"now broadcasting in digital", and there are no consumer radios out
there to speak of, so everybody is today hearing the same-old analog
dressed in new cool clothes, and have any of them enjoyed an ratings
spikes because of it ? If so, I haven't seen nor heard of it.

To me, that's a strong indicator that this is largely spin, and the
market isn't really noticing. 

So now IF receivers become available at reasonable prices, and if the
content remains the same, there will surely be some segment of the
population who will buy the radios based on the cool factor alone. And
some may actually perceive a difference sufficient to make that

But at the end of the day, we may have only a parallel to the AM Stereo

And if satellite radio is to be eclipsed by internet streaming audio or
iPods or something else still in the pipeline, I fail to see how HD
will manage to save terrestrial radio. 

I understand all of the rationale its proponents have put forth, but I
see it as a last-ditch long-shot gamble. 

But there's still something missing here -- if radio listening isn't
declining rapidly ( according to the numbers ), then why the
desperation to change the mechanism/image ?? Or is it simply trying to
find new ways to swqueeze more juice from the same orange ? 

Russ Edmunds
Blue Bell, PA  ( 360' ASL )
[15 mi NNW of Philadelphia]
40:08:45N; 75:16:04W, Grid FN20ID
FM: Yamaha T-80 & APS9B @15'
AM: Hammarlund HQ-150 & 4' FET air core loop

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