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[IRCA] Flying from Canada to Hawaii

It's been 4 years since I have flown to Hawaii -- and "way back when" I did not spend that much time stressing about which radio to take, carry on board or check in luggage in mini pelican cases...

Just wondering if anything has changed.
In 2010 I loaded up a Lowe-Pro jumbo camera bag with around 10 pounds of stuff: EtonE1, Wellbrook antennas, power supplies, cameras and a ham radio license displayed prominently on top of the heap.

Other than a swab of one of the radios, I found the TSA to be cheerful and good humored - one even pointed out that his uncle was a ham. 

I imagine carrying a Gary DeBock modded URL will hardly raise and eye brow in a much smaller bag. 

I might actually put an extra radio in a mini pelican case in checked luggage.

Merry Christmas everyone! 

Colin Newell - CoffeeCrew.com - VA7WWV - Victoria - BC
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