Re: [IRCA] [AMFMTVDX] Should Skywave Listening be protected?
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Re: [IRCA] [AMFMTVDX] Should Skywave Listening be protected?

IBOC-D is licensed by Ibiquity, a claque of computer geek cynics 'reinventing' radio in their image. Their cheerleader/stooge is qWeerChannel Broadcasting, who has the editors of Radio World in thrall to IBOC-D bullshale. Hardsell on the wonders of IBOC is telling. Did we need a hardsell for FM stereo over mono, or color tv over black and white? Did FM stereo and color TV signals ruin existing FM mono and B&W TV signals the way IBOC ruins AM?
   Not to worry, Ibuiquity claims the destruction of 'AM as we know it', to use insidious, emetic, nineties corrupt lingo, is worth it, as IBOC gives us the miracle of 'traffic and weather texting'. Thrilling.
   qWeerChannel, in typical nineties klepto-garch gesture - and admission of guilt - recently  reduced bandwidth of its AM analog signals. Heart warming. I'm weepy. While claiming to care about interference, they actually lower AM analog quality in two ways. First, fidelity is reduced. Second, narrow bandwidth signal allows noise into the receiver. They hope this fake beneficence will make us forget that interference is caused not by AM analogue, but by their idiotic, kleptocratic IBOC-Drivel scam.

   Bottom line:  Ruin AM analog with reduced bandwidth and increased noise from IBOC-D, blame all on existing 'cheap radios' . Make AM listeners purchase digital sets with a licensed system. If you wanted to end free radio and make listeners pay for a controlled system, how better would you do it? It is to die from.

   If AM sounds so bad - according to IBOC hucksters - why do my houseguests mistakenly believe Cuban music they hear on my 60's vintage tube stereo is a CD, rather than the R-390 receiver tuned to AM 640, Radio Progreso, Havana, three hundred miles south of this desk? Because AM only sounds as bad as IBOC hucksters wish it to, that's why.  Bear in mind, Fidel's transmitters are sixties vintage Czech models in disrepair. They still sound better than stateside AM stations, both in terms of technical quality and content.  Many radios, old and new alike, sound great on AM without Ibiquity's 'rushed to market' Rube Goldberg digital jalopy.


Afterthought: If their much-ballyhooed 'traffic and weather texting' is of the quality of last summer's radio coverage of the Florida Hurricane Follies, TV stations can expect high viewership, as AM qWeerChannel alleged news staffers couldn't even find the gulf coast of Florida on a map. Stick a fork in us.

Paul Vincent Zecchino
Manasoviet Key, FL
13 0015Z MAY 05
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