Re: [DX] Suahilin taitoisia?
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Re: [DX] Suahilin taitoisia?

Kenialainen radioamatööri käänsi tämän:

> Finland yatoa msaada
      > Finland gives aid
      > 28 Oct 2004

      > By Radio One-Habari
      > By Radio One-News

      > Serikali ya Finland imetoa msaada kwa ajili ya kujenga na kuvikarabati
      > vingine vitano vya madarasa katika shule ya msingi ya kijiji cha
      > kilichopo katika kata ya Mtibwa wilayani Mvomero, mkoani Morogoro. 

      > The Government of Finland has given aid to build five new houses for a
school in the 
      village of Mlumbiri, Mtibwa area, Mvomero district, Morogoro. 

      > Mwalimu mkuu wa shule hiyo Bwana Mohamed Issa ameiambia Radio One Stereo
      > mpaka sasa serikali ya Finland imeshakamilisha ujenzi wa vyumba viwili
kati ya
      > vitano vya shule hiyo na kukarabati vingine vitatu. 

      > The school Headmaster Mr Mohamed Issa told Radio One Stereo that up to
now the 
      Government of Finland has supported the buiilding of two houses in five
with another 
      three to be done. 

      > Amesema pamoja na kupatiwa msaada huo, shule hiyo yenye wanafunzi zaidi
ya 200
      > bado inakabiliwa na upungufu wa vyumba vingine vitatu vya madarasa,
madawati 75
      > na nyumba za walimu. 

      > He said that in addition to getting this aid, this school which has more
than 200 pupils
      face reduction in other school buildings, 75 desks and teacher's housing.

      > Bwana Issa amesema pia kuwa tayari jitihada za kujenga nyumba za walimu
      > zimeanza  kwa ushirikiano wa uongozi wa shule na wananchi wa kijiji

      > Mr Issa also said they are ready to build teacher's housing and they
have started to
      unite with leaders of the school and citizens of this village.
      > Amesema ujenzi wa nyumba hizo uliosimama awali kutokana na ukosefu wa
      > umekamilika kwa asilimia 50. 

      > He said this house building had ceased due to lack of funds for
completion. (This
      phrase is a little obscure - Tanzania dialect, but the meaning is more or
less clear.)
      > * SOURCE: Radio One

Quoting alapiha@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx:

> Sivulta :
> löytyy kyllä käännöskone, mutta en saa sitä
> toimimaan.
> Reijo Alapiha
> Joensuu
> Quoting Mika Mäkeläinen <mika@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>:
> > Suahilintaitoni ei ole häävi, joten jätän tämän kääntämättä: 
> >
> > 
> > Kenties suomalaiset raportit ovat herättäneet erityistä huomiota 
> > tansanialaisella Radio One -asemalla?
> > 
> > 73
> > Mika
> > 
> >
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