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[HCDX] Loggings from Victoria, BC

A smattering of various loggings.  Reception hasn't been too bad of late:

COLOMBIA 5910.03, 0408-, Merfil Estereo/Voz de tu Conciencia Mar 14 Seems 
they've dropped closer to nominal 5910 with stong S9+ signals with late 
night Spanish balads.  One brief announcement just after TOH, but nothing 
more.  Canned ID at 05:09 for a FM channel.  Multiple announcements 
followed including some with children.  Public service I think.  Nothing 
noted mentioning shortwave. (Salmaniw, Victoria, BC)

CHINA 4940, 1442-, Voice of the Strait Mar 18 Very strong reception this 
morning with traditional Chinese vocal by YL.  Confirmed to be this station 
by many sources.  Thanks!  English apparently only on weekends. (Salmaniw, 
Victoria, BC)

INDIA 4760, 1449-, AIR Port Blair (presumed) Mar 18 Impressive S6 signal 
with Hindi programming.  Best I've heard them for a while. (Salmaniw, 
Victoria, BC)

ETHIOPIA 5500, 1456-, Voice of Peace/Voice of Democratic Eritrea Mar 18 As 
listed in ILG.  A pleasant surprise.  Weak but in the clear with horn of 
Africa music.  Not sure if it's atmospherics, or some noise on 
frequency.  Remove that, and reception would be pleasant.  Something 
indecipherable at 14:59:30 by YL, then a male.  Too weak to be make 
anything out though. (Salmaniw, Victoria, BC)

SOLOMON ISLANDS 5019.91, 1503-, SIBS Mar 18 Been a while since I've heard 
much audio from these folks.  English news from the BBCWS (ID for the world 
service at 15:06:15).  Poor to fair. (Salmaniw, Victoria, BC)

AUSTRALIA 2310, 1421-, ABC Northern Territory Mar 19 Alice Springs with 
surprisingly good audio with 50s music.  Parallel 2325 was only very poor 
with some sort of choppy QRM.  2485 only a het. (Salmaniw, Victoria, BC)

JAPAN 3925, 1429-, Radio Nikkei Mar 19 Very strong reception with usual 
light Japanese banter, quiz show with ditzy females (so typical of JJ 
programming!).  Off suddenly in mid-sentence at 14:30.  I didn't hear any 
kind of sign off ID.  ILG lists Saturdays only now. (Salmaniw, Victoria, BC)

CHINA 4940, 1434-, Voice of the Strait Mar 19 Fairly strong S9 signal, in 
English, but darn if I can understand the male and female announcers due to 
their thick CC accents.  Audio too is a bit muffly.  Music is strong and 
well modulated.  Same theme music as I've heard in other weeks.  Too bad 
for the accent : - (  . (Salmaniw, Victoria, BC)

CANADA/CUBA 15230, 1456-, China Radio International Mar 19 Interesting mix 
of stations with both easily heard with CRI in English via Sackville over 
cochannel Havana in Spanish.  CRI ID'd with web address, and then left the 
air at 14:59.  So did Cuba. Dead air at 15:00. (Salmaniw, Victoria, BC)

SAUDI ARABIA 13710, 1506-, Holy Quran Program Mar 19 Fair reception with 
wails and then into a lowly modulated male voice.  Nothing special about 
the program.  Best heard on my 25 meter dipole oriented east-west.  Went 
back into more typical Quran chant at 15:08. (Salmaniw, Victoria, BC)

RUSSIA/RWANDA 12025, 1511-, Voice of Russia/Deutsche Welle Mar 19 Another 
interesting clash, with both stations at good level.  Voice of Russia World 
Service in English with their www site, about equal to DW from Kigali in 
Swahili.  My ILG lists Golos Rossii, but this is clearly in error. 
(Salmaniw, Victoria, BC)

USA 11715, 1525-, KJES Mar 19 No ID, but sounds very much like them with a 
female vocal singing a religious piece very slowly, in English.  Channel 
seems to be jammed also (or is there some digital hash?).  Mostly 
good.  ILG lists only Monday to Friday at this time, but KJES can be pretty 
variable. (Salmaniw, Victoria, BC)

UNID 9810, 1533-, unid Mar 19 Who's on this frequency at this time?  ILG 
doesn't list anyone, and yet there are two on right now.  One is quite 
strong, with Indian sounding music (?so is it AIR).  About a S9 + 10 
signal.  Earlier there was an interview in an unknown language, part of 
which had some American accented English.  Washington was heard.  Now 
underneath is a much weaker station with talk.  Too weak to hear 
anything.  Ideas?. (Salmaniw, Victoria, BC)

SRI LANKA 9645, 1540-, VOA Mar 19 Strong signals from Iran Wila this 
morning, with English VOA News Now program.  Excellent modulation. Medical 
news about saliva tests.  At  same time DW from Trincomalee was heard at 
excellent levels with DW ID in Hindi on 9585. (Salmaniw, Victoria, BC)

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