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[HCDX] Loggings from Victoria, BC

VANUATU 7260.16, 0901-, Radio Vanuatu Mar 22 S7 to S9 signals, but with 
lots of static crashes.  Summer must be close at hand!  In English ('You 
are listening to....'), but then switched into French at 09:02.  Very clean 
French, so I'm wondering whether this in fact is a RFI relay (ie doesn't 
sound local).  In general, French isn't heard all that often on Radio 
Vanuatu (Bislama is by far the most common, then English, and finally 
French).  Take away the static, and reception would be quite nice.  Nothing 
heard on 75 meters.  Radio Vanuatu ID in English at 09:16, so cut away from 
what I'm assuming was RFI programming, and into local islands music.  As I 
continue to monitor, reception is improving with less static.  Radio 
Vanuatu (VanuaTU) ID at 09:20. (Salmaniw, Victoria, BC)

ANDAMAN AND NICOBAR IS 4760, 1429-, AIR Port Blair Mar 31 Quite nice 
reception this morning with Indian music with about an S6 signal.  As is so 
often the case, the voice modulation is less than the music, and more 
difficult to understand.  About an S5 signal.  A presumed logging as I 
could not hear any ID at 14:30. (Salmaniw, Victoria, BC)

CHINA 4940, 1430-, Voice of the Strait Apr 2 Fair signal with English 
programming.  Not as strong as previous weekends, but the male announcer 
has a very readable accent.  News at the BOH.  The YL is still difficult 
for me to follow clearly.  About an S7 signal.  Short pieces interspersed 
with musical bridges. (Salmaniw, Victoria, BC)

AUSTRALIA 15390, 1502-, HCJB Apr 2 Pleasant surprise to hear DX Partyline 
in progress at good level, but with occasional deep fades.  In the clear, 
so a pleasant listen.  It's been a while since I've monitored this program 
on SW. (Salmaniw, Victoria, BC)

RUSSIA 11985, 1522-, Voice of Russia World Service Apr 2 More difficult in 
A05 to monitor VOR during this time period.  I was able to find this 
frequency at fair to good level, (listed on their website as to the ME), 
parallel to better 15455 (to Europe).  9660 to SEAs possibly very weakly 
heard.  Sites unknown, at least until I can get an ILG A05 or similar 
database.  English program about the 1945 storming of Konigsberg (now 
renamed Kalinigrad). (Salmaniw, Victoria, BC)

JAPAN 8466.5, 1555-, Kyodo News Agency Apr 2 For something totally 
different, try FAX.  I'm watching as a JJ newspaper is being 
faxed.  Perfectly readable if I could read the script!  There, there was a 
header, with 'Kyodo News Sports'.  My Fax list has a frequency listed as 
8467.5 with F3C at 10 kw, 60/576 RPM/IOC.  Just another fun part of the 
hobby!  Sorry that it's a little off topic as far as SWBC is 
concerned.  Parallel is 12744.5.  I use USB, with about 600 Hz offset from 
the 'mark' at 2000 Hz.  MixW is the program.  Very easy to use.  The latter 
freq is listed a kHz higher, with 15 kW.  Equally strong.  17069.6 is 
weakly readable. (Salmaniw, Victoria, BC)

UK 15145, 1606-, SW Radio Africa Apr 2 Good to Very Good reception with 
sign on at 1600 with the usual 'Aaafricaa...' sign-on with mentions of 
frequencies.  They asked the listeners to 'get those thumbs handy.  You'll 
find us in the 25 meter band'.  Parallel 12145 was only a little less 
powerful, but perfectly readable.  On recheck at 16:20, loud squeel on LSB 
side, from 12143.5, so use USB, and faded way down.  Don't know if this is 
deliberate, or a ute.  Then into election results.  Mentioned  interesting 
parallel to Ukraine's recent elections at 16:17 with the call for thousands 
to rally and protest the fraudulent results.  '50 won't work...thousands 
are needed'. (Salmaniw, Victoria, BC)

VATICAN CITY 7335, 0420-, Vatican Radio Apr 3 Strong reception in an 
unknown language until 0419, then just as the IS was starting, they cut, 
and changed bearing and/or transmitter, since at 0420 the resultant IS and 
ID was much weaker.  I still can't tell for sure the language.  Bells 
ringing, presumably announcing the death of Pope John Paul II.  Using LSB 
to avoid CHU, plus notch helps. (Salmaniw, Victoria, BC)

COLOMBIA 6139.78, 0426-, Radio Lider Apr 3 Nice S5 to S7 reception, best in 
LSB to avoid the het, with an ID at 04:25 (approx), as 'Radio Lider, 
romantico'.  EZL light Spanish vocals.  Again an ID, with just 'Radio 
Lider' at 04:29:30.  Not sure why I haven't heard this one before. 
(Salmaniw, Victoria, BC)

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