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[HCDX] Loggings from Victoria, BC

Fabulous reception of both Radio Okapi and SW Radio Africa (of course via 
relays it seems)...see below.

ALASKA 7355, 1524-, KNLS Mar 5 Very strong reception, initially in English 
(just caught the tail end), and then back into Chinese. (Salmaniw, 
Victoria, BC)

RUSSIA 7260, 0228-, Golos Rossii Mar 10 Strong S9 reception with modern 
western sounding music and into Golos Rossii news at the BOH.  Many 
parallels including 13665 (Petropavlovsk) good, 12010 (Komsomolsk 
Amur)  poor, 7240 (Armavir/Krasnodar) good, 7150 (Simferopol...actually 
Mykolayiv, Ukraine) poor, 7125 (Grigoriopol, Moldova) fair.  7260 listed as 
Moskva.  All sites are from the ILG database. (Salmaniw, Victoria, BC)

?CONGO 11690, 0515-, Radio Okapi Mar 10 I'm sure this is the station I have 
been monitoring for 30 minutes now.  About an S8 signal, makes following 
difficult.  As usual anything spoken is down in the mud, while the little 
music that is played is much better heard.  No time pips or anything 
special at 0500.  Mostly ongoing talk, seemingly in French, at least after 
the TOH.  Nothing that I hear has resembled an ID, and certainly nothing 
like the 'Okapi' repeated many times as reported by Dave Valko.  Gradually 
losing strength as I continue to monitor.  Frustrating not to get a 
definite ID! Gradually faded away to subaudible levels.  At 05:55 very 
strong open carrier, and immediately into Hello from Tokyo program.  So I 
have no doubt I must have been listening to Okapi.  Worth trying a bit 
earlier tomorrow. (Salmaniw, Victoria, BC)

?CONGO 11690, 0419-, Radio Okapi Mar 13 Musical 'Okapi' by YL at exactly 
04:19:30.  S9 to S9 + 10 signal.  I'm really having trouble believing this 
is only 10kw.  Another ID at 04:21:45.  'Okapi', not 'Radio Okapi'.  In 
vernacular as I listen.  Mentions of 'democrasiya', 'Congo'.  Best by far 
of the last few days I've listened.  Are we sure this isn't from a 100+kw 
transmitter?  ?Kigala, ?Meyerton, ?Madagascar.  'Okapi' again at 04:26:15. 
Full ID as Radio Okapi at 04:30, and mentioned Hirondelle as well.  Signal 
continues to improve.  Marvellous signal at 04:40 in French. Another full 
excellent ID in French at 04:55.  Further IDs just after the TOH, and 
continued in French programming about 'elections libre'.  Totally about the 
need for free elections in The Democratic Republic of Congo.  Discussion 
between Robert and Walter. (Salmaniw, Victoria, BC)

UKRAINE 7440, 04:42-, Radio Ukraine International Mar 13 Wonderful S9 + 10 
reception with RUI's mailbag program, with the lovely music of the Orange 
Revolution.  For Ukrainian speakers, these lyrics never fail to bring a 
lump in my throat, and tears to my eyes.  Beautiful music and very frank, 
almost apologetic talk in English about not telling the real story in 
Ukraine before the revolution.  Rarely heard so well on the coast.  Brings 
me back to the days when RUI used far east Russian relays for their service 
to WCNA. (Salmaniw, Victoria, BC)

USA 7490, 05:08-, WJIE Mar 13 Powerful S9+20 with modern Christian pop 
music.  I'm assuming that they are running back at their full 50 kw. 
Nothing noted on 13595. (Salmaniw, Victoria, BC)

RUSSIA 3955, 1409-, Voice of Russia Mar 13 ILG lists Korean, which sounds 
about right, 100 kw from Vladivostok, at fiar level, and sure enough their 
IS was heard at 14:10.  Mostly talk by OM.  I would have guessed a North 
Korean from the tone of his voice!. (Salmaniw, Victoria, BC)

CHINA 4940, 1440-, China Huayi BC Mar 13 I'm confused.  This is a Chinese 
station, with English programming at fair level, with a relatively thick 
Chinese accents.  'Have you ever been to China?, etc'.  ILG lists Voice of 
the Strait(s) from Fuzhou, whereas DBS lists China Huayi Broadcasting 
Corporation in Chengdu.  I'm leaning towards the latter, but which is 
right? Could not find any parallels.  Signal gradually improved towards the 
TOH.  Perusing my 2000 WRTH notes that both of these stations broadcast to 
Taiwan.  Googling I found at www.schoechi.de/az-chn01.html reference to 
shared QSLs, so there must be some link.  Program ended at 1500 and into 
Chinese again. (Salmaniw, Victoria, BC)

ASCENSION IS 11845, 1600-, SW Radio Africa Mar 13 Powerful S9 + 20 
reception with crash start with multiple IDs in English with some 
short/long path echo.  All in English.  With song 'Africaaa,  Africaaa', 
then this is SW Radio Africa, Zimbabwe's independent voice.  Through the 
valley religious program after announcements. (Salmaniw, Victoria, BC)

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