[HCDX] Unid 6715
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[HCDX] Unid 6715

I´m eagerly following the items posted about the unid religious
transmissions  (late Friday nights here in Sweden) on 6715 kHz.
The language is said to be Korean (although I could have guessed
Japanese), it´s clearly evangelical, but it doesn´t seem like the
transmissions are heard at all in the Far East (as eg Japan), of what
I´ve read.
We listened to it a week ago (March 8th.) at our schack in Fredriksfors,
where we have Beverege antennas in different directions.
The conditions were disturbed that night, and that could explain signals
not coming in as supposed in the antennas, but we noticed that signals
were much better on antennas directed towards South America, than on
directions towards the Far East (that is a back loob for us). On
antennas towards eg North America it wasn´t heard at all.
The fading and the ?sound? on the transmission made us pretty sure that
its origin was far away.
Could it by any chance be that the transmissions originates from Latin
America (although I don´t see why)?
Best regards
Jan Edh, Hudiksvall, Sweden
(DX-ing from Fredriksfors)

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