[HCDX] Theme: Radio raft and Interface
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[HCDX] Theme: Radio raft and Interface

Previous saturday  i have received the  full version of radio raft 3.21and the 
simple computer interface from Pervisell for this program. 

It is my 3rd time  systematic work on digital signals over HF  as my first time 
was back to 1990-1  when i used the Philips  S2935 and a Spectrum interface 
TIA for tuning to press agencies  and more particularly  the TANYUG  which 
had very interesting international news. 
And  my second time  was on 94 when i have bought the 462 directly from 
MFJ and used cnnected with the LC100 printer. Many logs have been made 
with it as well as letters sent to some stations  mainly for CW and RTTY 

MY third time was two years ago when i downloaded some amateur radio 
progreams such as Hamscope , MMTTY WXSAT  and others. 
I also tried to use RRaft. Together with a friend , an electonic techniciamn, 
we made the cicruit shown inth e page of RAft ,but afterwards it has been 
abandoned for much time .
two months  ago i finished it  but the circuit for unknown reasons did not 
wirked . For this reason i prefered to buy a news one from Pervisell. 
Here is a  little from what i found ( such as preliminary) 
The  program seems  to work very good under DOS and still under Windows 
in my pentium III on  800 MHz. However under Windows RAFT can be used 
ONLY foreground otherwise all system sources are occupied . Usage of 
interface inhibits any noise to go to receiver, as it would be done otherewise 
with audiocard (about 10 db) 

INstead of making a overview i will only epxlain my prso and cons: 

Points I liked: 
-The big number of modulations it can decode and the realatively fast aboility 
to identify the modes  inless than 10 seconds 
-The ability to view  status informatiom (idling , repetition) and corecting text 
if a backspace s transmitted 
-The similarity of using the keyboard as happened with the SPECTRUM  
program / interface 
-The time rows and the  ability to save also the times 
-The baudmeter and  the digit modes (and save the 'raw data') 
-The automatic bit inversion  (works also when you change  the sideband 
from upper to lower!) 

Points i did not like 
- The high sourced the program requires under Windows 
- The difficulty to decode signals close to threshold. True TTY under Win can 
decode them better 
- The relative difficulty to decode CW signals 
- Did not found so far a ny manual UOS operation 
- the inability to decode CIS peudo-baudot signals There are too many 
signals in muy area 
- The low size of buffer (only 64 kb??) 

Programs  i used so far under windows are:  MMTTY ,  HAMSCOPE , True 
TTY , Sea TTY The  last two programs are best for TTY  as they can decode 
signals that are a just above the threshold.(noise level)  

I could prefer a program  that could  use the  interface , be under, say 
WIndows  , have the ability  of HAmscope to show audio  above noise, have 
all the automoatic operations of Raft including the time in saving higher  
buffer and  decode  so perfect as  the True TTY does. 
This does ot mean that io do not like the Raft!When my computer is OFF i 
can switch at half time to use RAft than any other program under WIN.

Here is a list logs  i decoeded the previous 2 days . Tewxt as logged in 
notices paper no corections 

KCNA Pyongyang 8020 1840 , 250 Hz , S8-9 sporadic (not everryday ) 
unIDed 8094 1810/400  with ARQ E 200 bd , S6  , idling 1840 
8102 4XZ CW 1711 with 5fgs  S9 
8422 PO  , CW + SITOR B with traffic list 
8452 FUG  testing and couts  1720 
8680 ???  SWED ARQ  , on error , 1725 
8698 7TF  Boufaric R , CQ 13 bd , S9 
7671 FDI 22   with foxes , FF 1753  S7 
8030 RFFX  in ARQ E 1757 , S5 , many errors 
8105 RFFX , ARQ E 184 ,  1800  with idlies S9 
8424 SVO , only CW ,mode 1820  abt 11 bd S9 
8450 5AB  buyzzying tome  on CW  1824 
8465 un ID 100 bd with encrypted msgs 1836 
8500 RBSL IN mumbai RYs SGs and  5lg encoded msgs S2 
8556 Szcin R - SITOR B  with news at 1900 S5@+10 db 
8568 RFQPME  ZUI ZNR testing 75 bd 1917 off 
8600 XSV Tianjin 1928 with buzzying tome morse 18.7 bd 

14681 MFA BUdapest RUU FEC  with enc text 1300 S9+10 
14701 Pactor 
15750 .... encrypted msgs in Baudot 1115, 75 bd , S9 
16020 SITOR A  with 5 lgs 

8020  the KCNA diod not work ....
8080 1847 6lgs on 75 bd   S3-6
pen-DX sejak 72 - anggota World-DX-Club 2104,Play DX, dll
PP: R75/HF150/MVT7100/D2935  + 16m/1x1 + 
/trip2k.htm (dlm Bkk,SNG,BAli)   /MP3_comp.htm comparison Xing/Fastenc 
/napa.htm crash test Napa DAV315 MP3 player 

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