[HCDX] Unid 6715
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[HCDX] Unid 6715

Re reports of unid 6715 in DXLD 2-027

6715 USB 17 Feb at 1940-2016 religious
program, preacher, hymns and prayers.
Strange language, could well be African,
first sounded like Korean but after listening
a while had to admit I had no idea what it was.
Peaking up around 2000 to a nice level on
clear frequency. This was USB, no carrier at all.
No keywords heard for any possible id
except couple of Amens and one possible
mention of Zimbabwe but that could as well
be some other similar word.
The Congolese stations on appr 6713 and
6828 in the past used to be very weak
compared to this. Interesting.
Had to go away at 2016, so don't know
what time 6715 signed off.

Jari Savolainen

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