[HCDX]: "Quebec = PQ or QC" once more
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[HCDX]: "Quebec = PQ or QC" once more

This turned out to be interesting! Here are all the alternatives suggested:

1."According to Webster's Guide to Business Correspondence (1988
Merriam-Webster), we should use PQ for mailing addresses."
2. "Believe PQ is correct.  I would think QC would stand for Quebec City."
3."PQ is the official Canadian postal abbreviation for the province of
My comment: see the note about the stamp on CBC's envelope below!
4."When writing in English we Canadians use QC for Quebec, but if you want to
write in French, use PQ (i.e. Province du Quebec)."
5. "The abbreviation QC is used by the separatists of Quebec. One can tell
from the abbreviation used what the sender thinks about the independence of
6."Either one will do, but the post office officially recognizes QC since
  it devised two-letter abbreviations for each of Canada's 10 provinces
  (similar to two-letter abbrvs. used for U.S. states)." 
My comment: isn't PQ a two-letter abbrv, too?

I think No. 6 is closest to the "truth". I received a QSL just a month ago
from CBC Montreal 940 and the stamp on the envelope says Montréal, QC!
(Montreal written in French) From now on I will use QC in mail addresses
and PQ otherwise. And anyway, I guess this isn't one of the reasons why
reports are thrown into the wastebasket!

73, Mauno
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