[HCDX]: Pirate Pages (PiPa) #209
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[HCDX]: Pirate Pages (PiPa) #209

Howdy all & welcome to PiPa#209! (This is just the cover sheet, PiPa #209
should either be an attached file to this or should follow right after my
own greetings & name). If you only get the cover letter & not PiPa#209, drop
me a line...it's happened a few X....
I'm starting to get a bunch of PiPa emails bouncing, so...starting with this
issue, I'll be deleting the addresses of those whose PiPas bounce back. If
you mysteriously stop getting PiPa, but still want it, drop me a line & I'll
get your name back on!

Hobby Broadcasting
For everyone interested in hobby-type broadcasting, whether micro radio,
pirate radio, Part-15, cable-access TV, Internet radio, etc: The new
magazine "Hobby Broadcasting" should be out sometime around February. It
should be about 32 to 48 pages in an 8.5" x 11" format--featuring lots of
how-to articles about personal broadcasting. Right now, we're finally up to
requesting articles & classified ads, selling advertising, and processing
subscriptions, etc. Subscriptions in the US cost $12 per year ($24 by air to
Canada & $43 to Europe by air). I haven't checked the surface mail postage
rates, but it should be *much* cheaper to receive HB via surface mail if you
live outside of the US. For questions, etc., write me at: ayoder@xxxxxxxx To
subscribe, submit ads/articles/etc., send it to:
        Cabinet Communications
        PO Box 642
        Mont Alto, PA 17237 

The Last of the Pirate Radio Directories! 
I'm not talking about the 1998 Pirate Radio Directory, which should be out
in a few months. The old 1989-1993 Pirate Radio Directories are almost
extinct. I just bought the last of the stock out from Tiare & no more will
be printed. Once they're gone, that's it. If you're really into listening to
North American shortwave pirates and want to read up on the history, here's
your chance. Each directory costs $6 (doesn't matter what year) + $2
shipping in the U.S. Make any checks M.O.s to Cabinet Communications.

PiPa #209   POB 840             1/28/97
      Mont Alto, PA 17237

Dline for #209: Send logs out no later than 2/2

PiPa #209 contains logs from FRW #105/106 + some more

6955U 1-10 1510-1526* Live show with talk about ice storms on I-95 and
giving driving tips; ended show when he went into a truckstop for breakfast
(good Wolfish-ON)(353 Majewski- CT)(354 Silvi-OH)(242 Zeller-OH)
6955U 1-10 2225-2228+ Talk about melted antenna; 3 Stooges song. (pr Russell-MI)

GREAT WHITE NORTH-Address Unknown.
6955U 01-17 0104-0112* Soul mx ?Everybody kick back and keep the snow and
ice off your long wire?; test? [253 Frodge-MI][242 Kuhl-Germany] 

6955 01-17 0306-0331* 60?s mx by Nielson w/DJ Freddie Flintstone. [555
Majewski-CT] [454 Frodge-MI][gd Wolfish-ON][555 Arthur-NY][555
Filipkowski-RI][strong Russell-MI][343 Kuhl-Ger.]

6955U 01-17 *2105-2137* OM DJ w/anti-liberal commentary, Montana Department
of Tourism Spot w/Walter Brennan sounding voice; Femi-Nazi song. Merlin
postal code NOP1WO means ?No original pirates, 1 world order!. [353
Frodge-MI] [fair Wolfish-ON][good Russell-MI](gd AY,PA)

6955U 1-10 0338-0345 testing. (354 Silvi-OH)
6955U 1-11 0342-0421 Synthesizer music (pr Russell-MI)(252 Silvi-OH)(242
6955U 1-11 1138-1233 Flashback program. (252 Silvi-OH)
6955U 01-18 0216-0256* Instrumental covers of Bachman-Turner Overdrive,
Mommas & The Papas, Eagles, ID as ?Oh Yeah Classic Rock?. [333
Majewski-CT][343 Frodge-MI][good Wolfish-ON][fair Russell-MI][444
Owsley-CA][343 Haston-SC]
6955U 01-18 0500-0525* Electro-pop mx. [354 Frodge-MI][444 Pimblett-AB]
[good Wolfish-ON][fair Russell-MI]

6955U 1-12 0138-0212 Repeat of show from 1997 (232 Majewski-CT)(252 Silvi-OH)

6955U 01-17 *0504-0607* Steve Mann w/mx by Van Halen; clickin? QRM. [243
Frodge-MI][poor Wolfish-ON][344 Filipkowski-RI] [353 McClintock-MN][453

RADIO GOON asking for reports to usenet?s alt.radio.pirate
6955U 1-11 0420-0438* Announcer The Deuceman playing rock music by ZZ Top,
The Who and Bob Dylan. (333 Rausch-NJ)(Yoder-PA)

RADIO NONSENSE Belfast or radiononsense@xxxxxxxx
6955U 1-11 0226-0308 Rock mx by Cream; comedy stuff. (353 Ruger-CA)(252
Silvi-OH)(232 Leclerc-CT)(353 Zeller-OH)
6955U 01-17 0126-0212 Joe Momma w/various parodies, such as interview
w/Marlon Brando, Monty Python skits, mx by Doors. [434 Majewski-CT][253
Frodge-MI][Russell-MI][232 Owsley-CA][241 Crawford-KY]
27500U 1/18 0039-0054 Comedy about Paula Abdul, Frank Rizzo, Bob Dylan (Gd
6955U 01-18 0129-0211* Parodies, mx by Cream, Monty Python; weak w/QRM from
Spanish traffic. [232 Majewski-CT][fair Wolfish-ON] [343 Haston-SC]

RADIO NOSTALGIA asking for reports to usenet?s alt.radio.pirate
6955U 1-11 0630-0640* test broadcast with IDs tones. (333 Rausch-NJ)

6850U 01-17 2021-2047 Relay of this Swedish Station w/mx by Erasure, Aqua,
Sex Pistols, etc. [444 Leclerc-CT][good Wolfish-ON][455 Filipkowski-RI](444

6955U 1-10 1700-1714 presumed the one with clips from Radio Metallica
Worldwide. (252 Silvi-OH)

6955U 1-10 0922 Mx:Wallfolwers, talked about protecting your rights,
dedicated a song Mystery R. & asked for ?detail reports? Talked about
writting letters to polititions, voting, and anti-Clinton (Bruce,CA)
6955U 01-17 0745-0755 Pop songs and announcements; quite a regular here on
Saturday AM. [343 Kuhl-Germany]

6955U 1-10 *1602-1639* Repeat of old ?Anti-Religion? program, which inlcudes
music by John Lennon, Utopia and Crash Test Dummies; parts done with reverb
difficult to understand! (gd Wolfish-ON)(454 Zeller-OH)(444 Myers,VA)

1620 01-22 1140-1220 Mx like ?Eve Of Destruction?, ?California Dreamin?.
This is a 100-mw station located in Upper Montclair, NJ run by George
Louvis. Phone #973-746-4999. Address is: 615 Valley Rd., Upper Montclair, NJ
07043. Station will QSL correct reports. A real DX catch via skywave!

6954.5 01-17*2332-0005* Leonard Longwire w/program of mainly country mx.
Very solid signal. [454 Zeller-OH][343 Majewski-CT] [343 Pimblett-AB][good
Wolfish-ON][433 Filipkowski] [454 Haston-SC](fair Hassig,IL)

6850U 01-17 1851-1918* Big Mike w/rock mx, station promos, Pirates Of The
Caribbean parody. [434 Leclerc-CT][243 Frodge-MI] [good Wolfish-ON][455
Filipkowski-RI](444 Myers,VA)

6850U 01-17 *1921-2002* Program of rock, parodies including making fun of R.
Metallica & other pirates. [252 Zeller-OH] [444 Leclerc-CT][253
Frodge-MI][good Wolfish-ON] [455 Filipkowski-RI][Russell-MI](444 Myers,VA)
6850 01-23 *2239-2255 ?Hey Bulldog? by The Beatles, ?Me, You and A Dog Named
Boo? by Lobo. [242 Crawford-KY}

WREC-BRS/Belfast [email: WRECRADIO@xxxxxxx]
6950U 01-17 0142-0155 Testing; Beastie Boys tunes. [good Wolfish-ON]
6955U 01-17 0211-0305* Equipment test, mx by Dead Kennedys, Green Day,
Mighty Bosstones. [555 Majewski-CT][253 Frodge-MI] [555 Filipkowski-RI][fair
Russell-MI][343 Kuhl-Ger]
6955U 01-17 *0403-0505* Repeat of the test transmission. [232 Majewski-CT]
[344 Filipkowski-RI][251 Crawford-KY]
6955U 01-17 1706-1820* P.J. Sparx w/typical format of of rock, parody mx,
and cameo IDs by other pirates. [252 Zeller-OH] [434 Leclerc-CT][444
Filipkowski-RI][weak Crawford]
6955U 01-17 1805-1850* P.J. Sparx w/rock, ?Star Wars Cantina?; ID by The
Mystery Radio team. [253 Frodge-MI][554 Comeau](Outstanding! Myers,VA)

WMPR still does not have an address
6955.3 1-11 2220-2305 The usual techno mx (443 Crawford-KY)

6955U 1-10 1451-1506* Repeat of Christmas broadcast. (454 Majewski-CT)(333
Altre-Kerber NY) (352 Crawford-KY)
6955U 1-10 1526-1549 Relay of old ?Goldmine? program playing oldies by
Keith, and others; ID at beginning announced Wellsville, so obviously an old
show (vgd Wolfish-ON)(354 Silvi-OH)(242 Zeller-OH)
6955U 1-11 0059-0200 music profile about Denise Williams, Marvin Gaye & soul
music. (434 Leclerc-CT)(242 Zeller-OH)
6955U 01-18 *1615-1644 IDs, pop mx, lost at 1640. [242 Filipkowski-RI] [weak
6955U 01-18 2100-2125* Music, distorted signal, weak. [131 Majewski-CT]

6219.9 01-18 0148-0214 Rock w/IDs ?We have you energized, This is Laser,
your #1 Free Radio Station?. Then into fade. [433 Comeau-MA]

5805 01-17 2139-2237+ Playing assortment of mx by Dead Kennedys & Sam &
Dave. [poor Wolfish-ON] 
6275 01-17 2052-2247 Same program as 5805 but running 30 minutes behind 5805
w/mx by Elton John, Cream. etc. Signal improved after sunset. [Wolfish-ON] 
6274.8 01-18 0014-0139 OM DJ w/mx by Tina Turner, Betty Everett, The
Capitols. Talked w/op Andy Walker who said they were only using 25 watts.
mentioned some pirates and Pirate Connection magazine, gave out a hotline
telephone number and pop oldies in between talk[333 Leclerc-CT][344
Arthur-NY](232 Maroti-NY)

RADIO MARABU Merlin 6210 1-10 2125-2200 All in German with rock mx Forever
Young etc IDs (333 Rausch-NJ)

UNIDENTIFIED LOGGINGS [Please ID and QSL for all of these!]
6955U 1-10 0346-0356+ music and what sounded like a bible reading. (152
6955U 1-10 2043-2049 ?Radio _____? broadcasting to North America ID. (252
6955U 1-11 0019-0020 morse code; Possibly DC Radio? (253 Silvi-OH)
6955U 1-11 0316-0336 part of Moody Blues? ?Days Of Future Passed? album was
played. (333 Leclerc-CT)
6955U 1-14 2223-2224 rock mx. (432 Crawford-KY)
6955U 1-15 0032-0044 heard 3-4 songs, but it faded quickly. (151 SIlvi-OH) 

Thanks to this week?s contributors: Altre-Kerber-NY, Arthur-NY,
Barrera-Argentina, Bernth,NY; Brandt,Germany; Coatsworth-ON, Comeau-MA,
Crawford-KY, Deeley,UK; Filipkowski-RI, Frodge-MI, Haston-SC, Kuhl-Germany,
LeClerc-CT, Majewski-CT, Maroti,NY; McClintock-MN, Myers,VA; Neal,TX;
Owsley-CA,  Pimblett-AB, Rausch-NJ, Ruger-CA, Russell-MI, Silvi-OH,
Walker,UK; Wolfish-ON, Zeller-OH & AY,PA

Saturday morning January 10
1451-1506 6955U WSRR/Solid Rock Radio 
1510-1526 6955U Anteater Radio 
1526-1549 6955U WSRR/Solid Rock Radio 
1603-1638 6955U Tangerine Radio

Saturday afternoon January 10 
1700-1714 6955U Radio Tornado Worldwide 
2125-2200 6210 Radio Marabu 
2225-2228 6955U Anteater Radio

Saturday evening January 11 UTC
0059-0200 6955U WSRR/Solid Rock Radio 
0226-0308 6955U Radio Nonsense 
0342-0421 6955U Mystery Radio 
0420-0438 6955U Radio Goon 
0630-0648 6955U Radio Nostalgia

Sunday morning January 11 
1138-1233 6955U Mystery Radio

Sunday afternoon January 11 
2214-222 6955 WMPR

Sunday evening January 12 UTC 
0138-0212 6955U Partial India Radio

QSLs RECEIVED: He Man Radio, 6955, full data green HMR card, Bettie Page
trading card, mailed with Brazilian stamp, in 68 days. [Frodge-MI]

MYSTERY RADIO: f/d Haunted Mansion card for Halloween special. v.s.=The
Shadow. (Russell-MI) 2 cards for loggings that appeared somewhere. (Majewski-CT)

One Voice Radio in 10 days. Foot card & note from Joe. (Bernth,NY)

RADIO BLANDENGUE: f/d card in 40 days for mint stamps; v/s Raul Gonzales.
(Barrera- ARGENTINA)

Reefer Madness Radio, full data sheet signed by Harry Anslinger in 39 days.

Voice Of Christmas, 6955, full data ?Santa Delivering QSLs? cards #93,94 in
1 month for report to ACE/FRW, signed by the Pirate Elf. [Wolfish-ON] card
#97 and Santa Claus tag in 44 days. [Filipkowski-RI] same in a month.
[Russell-MI] #99 in 28 days; v/s The Pirate Elf. (Altre-Kerber NY) same
(#82) in about 3 weeks. (Haston-SC) same (#98) in 39 days. (Zeller-OH)

Voice Of The Long Run, 6955, large breasted YL w/?What A Pair? slogan in 37
days for report to Providence. [Zeller-OH]

WLS SHORTWAVE, 6955, full data American Flag card in 144 days for report to
ACE. [Zeller-OH] freq. only yellow sheet in 6 months for ACE log.
[Filipkowski-RI] same. [Haston-SC]

WMOM: for report to usenet?s alt.radio.pirate (Arthur-NY) same here.
(Coatsworth-ON) same for me; v/s Mom. (Zeller-OH)

WQSL: f/d card (#18) in 3 weeks. (Crawford-KY) 

PLEASE QSL ADDRESSES. If you want your name removed, let us know.
Gary R. Neal 7410 Orchard Hills Lane Sugar Land, TX 77479-6122
George Maroti 21 Prospect Street Mt. Kisco, NY 10549
Ken Alexander: Box 71553, Aurora, ONT L4G 6S9 
Joel Altre-Kerber: 18 Elmview Place, Buffalo NY 14207 
John T. Arthur: 7994 Rte 19 Belfast, NY 14711 
Shawn Axelrod: 30 Becontree Bay, Winnipeg, Manitoba, CANADA, R2N 2X9 
Charles Bernth: P.O. Box 236, Eastport, NY 11941 
Shawn Axelrod: 30 Becontree Bay, Winnipeg, Manitoba R2N 2X9, Canada 
Ian Biggar: 21B Dundonald Road, Troon, Ayrshire KA10 6NP, Scotland 
Rainer Brandt: Wiesenweg 6, D-29361, Hoefer, Germany 
Mike Bruce, PO Box 696, Trinidad, CA 95570 
J. Coatsworth: RR#3, Merlin, Ontario NOP 1WO, Canada 
Ross Comeau: 16 Linwood Street, Andover, MA 01810 
Chas. Crawford: 1763 Turnagain Drive, Henderson, KY 42420 
Fred Danowski: 95 Meadowbrook Road, Startford, CT 06497 
Paul Demsky: 883 Broadway #2, South Portland, ME 04106 
David Ditlow: 3645 Vinton Avenue #3, Los Angeles, CA 90034 
Rick Doehner: 2511 Raspberry Lane, Pasadena, TX 77502 
Joe Filipkowski: 28 Mill Wheel Road, Warwick, RI 02886 
Michael Folk: 810 Dalewood Villa Hills, KY 41017-1089 
Harold Frodge: 5525 Whitehall St., Midland, MI 48642 
Dan Greenall: 181 Church Street, Thamesford, ONT N0N 2M0, Canada 
William Hassig: 102 N. Russel St., Mt. Prospect, IL 60056 
Matt Haston: 22 Jamestowne Commons, Taylors, SC 29687 
Joerg Hoffmann: Jaegersburger Str. 1, D-64625 Bensheim, Germany 
Ron Hunsicker: 1238 Cleveland Avenue, Wyomissing, PA 19610-2102 
R & T Jurrens: 19107 Winding Trail Lane, Katy, TX 77449 
Rob Keeney: 10315 Antioch, Overland Park, KS 66212-4332 
Mike Leclerc: 16 Salem Drive, Somers, CT 06071-1903 
Chris Lobdell: Box 146, Stoneham, MA 02180 
Greg Majewski: 1176 Route 163, Oakdale CT 06370 
Wm. McClintock: 11481 Blackfoot St NW, Minneapolis, MN 55433 
John Mello: 218 Central Avenue, North Scituate, RI 02857 
Kevin Nauta: 11252 Ravanna SE, Grand Rapids, MI 49508-2504 
Nigel Pimblett: 146 Queen Street, Medicine Hat, Alberta T1A 1B4, Canada 
Mike Prindle: P.O. Box 51, New Suffolk, NY 11956-0051 
Ed Rausch: 17 Vandeberg Place, Cedar Grove, NJ 07009-1039 
Robert Ross: Box 1003, Station B, London, ON N6A 5K1 Canada 
Larry Russell: 420 Warren Avenue, Flushing, MI 48433 
Chris Scott: 4051 Clifton Avenue, #3, Cincinnati, OH 45220 
Lee Silvi: Box 982, Mentor, OH 44061 
Chris Smolinski: 4708 Trail Court, Westminster, MD 21158 
Niel Wolfish: 112-2177 Avenue Road, Toronto, Ontario M5M 4B7, Canada 
Andrew Yoder: Box 642, Mont Alto, PA 17237 
George Zeller: 3492 West 123rd Street, Cleveland, OH 44111

0104-0112 6955U Great White North 
0142-0155 6950U WREC 
0126-0209* 6955U R. Nonsense 
0211-0305 6955U WREC 
0305-0331* 6955 KRAP 
0408-0504 6955U WREC 
0504-0607* 6955U R. Eclipse 
0745-0755 6955U Take It Easy Radio 
1706-1820 6955U WREC 
1837-1849 6850U WREC 
1851-1920 6850U WBIG 
1921-2002* 6850U WPUP 
2022-2047 6850U R. Ravens 
2105-2137 6955U MARS 
2349-0005 6954.5 V. Of Anarchy

01-18 SUNDAY
0052-0139 6274.8 R. Free London 
0129-0212 6955U R. Nonsense 
0148-0214 6219.9 Laser Hot Hits 
0216-0252* 6955U Mystery Radio 
0501-0525* 6955U Mystery Radio 
1615-1644 6955 WSRR 
2100-2125 6955U WSRR

01-23 FRIDAY
2239-2255 6850 WPUP

Logs from Martin Deeley in the UK:
Here?s my logs for Sunday 18th Jan.
5805 Radio Free London S4 at 0815
6210 Freestyle Radio S3 at 0920
6210 Radio Pamela S3/4 at 1200
6220 Laser Hot Hits S3 at 0825
6266 UK Radio S3/4 at 1135
6270 Radio Torenvalk S4 at 0810
6275 Radio Free London S4 at 0812
6285 Radio Morgen??? (Dutch) S2 at 0915
6300 The Farmers S4 at 0940

Did any one notice when the 6mHz band dropped out around 1250, but 5mHz
still held up? Laser, UK Radio, Pamela, RFL(6275) all faded in to the noise
but I could still hear RFL on 5805. The Farmers got stronger which means the
band went long skip.

Logs from Rainer Brandt in Germany
January 17th, 1998 (Saturday)
3910	unid, tent. R.Focus?!	23.05-		E, Caroline tapes	33443
3930	Laser Hot Hits		23.10-		E, pops			22222

January 18th, 1998 (Sunday)
3909.8	R.Roberto		09.44-		E,D, pops		55444
5805	R.Free London (RFL)	09.30-		E, pops			33433
6209.8	R.Projekt 1		09.25-		G, talk, infos, rock mx	33333
6209.8	Freestyle R.		10.18-		G,E, rock format	33333
6210.1	R.Pamela		12.34*-		E, IDs, music		33333
6220	Laser Hot Hits		08.00-		E, pops			22322
6233	R.RTN			09.40-		G, IDs, low mode, QRM	42342
6233	R.Joystick		09.50-		G, pops, via R.RTN	44333
6250.2	Yankee 2-0		12.18-12.33*	E, music		33333
6266.8	R.Pacman		11.23-		D, QSO, offshore mx	44343
6270	R.Torenvalk		09.16-		E, Steve Most + Hans	44444
6270	R.Morgenster		11.25-		D,E,G, QSO to all, QRM 	33333
6270.8	R.Perfekt		12.20-		G, report to Torenvalk	44433
6274.8	R.Free London (RFL)	09.30-		E, pops			32322
6285	R.Morgenster		09.30-		E,D,G, pops		44444
6300	Farmers from Holland	10.42-		D, pops			54444
7500.5	R.Internazionale	09.40-		I,E, non stop music	44444

Dutch based FREE RADIO sent a QSL recently via Postbus 122, NL-7160 AC Neede.
It?s no doubt the former RADIO DELTA (Ruurlo) with operator Gertie, now aged
34 and using about 400 watts of TX power, 4 tubes: EF80, EL84, 2*4CX250B. The
modulator has 8 tubes: ECC83, ECC81, 2*EL34 and 4*TB2,5/400. The TX is fed
into a halfwave dipole. Gertie already is active since 1980!

Another mystery this week again with YANKEE 2-0 or YANKEE 2 KILO on 6250 kHz
after last weeks 92-20 and X 2-0 around Christmas. The station of this week
announed itself as ?this is the legal Y2K? (or Y20?!) by a male ?DJ? several
times and playing film and offshore music. Who knows more?!
Surprisingly RADIO PAMELA signed on just after the close down of the Y2K....
73, Rainer
This is a message from ayoder@xxxxxxx (Andrew Yoder)
to hard-core-dx@xxxxxxxxxx list. To unsubscribe the list, send
"unsubscribe hard-core-dx" in mail body to majordomo@xxxxxxxxxxx
For more information, please check http://www.iki.fi/rko/hard-core-dx/
or email Risto Kotalampi, rko@xxxxxxx