Re: [IRCA] ULR DX.......Station # 1, 000 Logged on Ultralight Radios....1140 Radio Cadena Habana!!
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Re: [IRCA] ULR DX.......Station # 1, 000 Logged on Ultralight Radios....1140 Radio Cadena Habana!!


Congratulations on receiving your 1,000 th station on a Ultralight.  
Your state, country totals are amazing along with the short time it
took you to receive a 1,000 stations.  Well done!

Best regards,

Kalama, WA

 From: Robert Ross <va3sw@xxxxxxxxxx>
To: IRCA AM List <irca@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> 
Sent: Saturday, March 10, 2012 11:34 PM
Subject: [IRCA] ULR DX.......Station # 1, 000 Logged on Ultralight Radios....1140 Radio Cadena Habana!!
Hi Guys:

The amazing Auroral Conditions of the past few nights continues......and I am happy to announce that tonight has brought me 2 NEW STATIONS thanks to the Aurora. These are Stations # 999 and # 1,000 Heard on a ULR/Ultralight Radio!! I reported the # 999 Earlier this evening......1220 Radio Globo, Rio De Janeiro, BRAZIL.

# 1,000 has just been Logged moments ago and details of that Station are shown below...........

Radio Used is..............SONY SRF-T615 ULR Barefoot

1140  Radio Cadena Habana CMCH Havana, CUBA  Mar/11/12 0154 EST  SPANISH  FAIR
Heard Under WRVA Richmond, VIRGINIA.
Male Spoke Spanish with Musical Interludes between Talk @ 0154 EST Tune In.
Mentions of La Habana and Cubana @ 0156 EST. Into Cuban Pop Music and SS Vocals
@ 0156-0159 EST. Male Spoke Spanish over Martial type Music @ 0300 EDT (EDT Switchover).
ID as "Radio Cadena Habana" @ 0300 EDT. Many Mentions of CUBANA. Female also Spoke
SS @ 0301 EDT. Into more Cubana Music and Spanish Vocals @ 0302 EDT.

NEW STATION     ULR # 1,000   ULR LATIN # 45     5 KW?? (Listed)

ULR DXing started for me on Jan/01/2008 when I received a FREE SONY SRF-59 Analog Radio from Gary DeBock as part of his Promotion to drum up some interest in this tiny ULR Radio...........Since then numerous Ultralight Radios have been used with the SONY SRF-T615 being the ULR of choice. At least 90 % of the 1,000 Stations heard were logged BAREFOOT, using only the ULR's Internal Ferrite Rod. Several Loops, External Ferrite Rods and a DeBock 7 Inch FSL Antenna were used on occasion to log some stations. 

TOTAL TIME TAKEN to reach 1,000 Stations was 4 Years and 71  Days.

Inspiration to attempt this craziness comes from 3 of my ULR Cronies, and I dedicate the 1,000th Logging to these 3 ULR DXers!!

ULR GROUP CO-FOUNDER, Gary DeBock of Puyallup, WASHINGTON....for turning me onto the art of ULR Dxing in the very beginning!! Without his prodding and assistance.......I wouldn't be writing this message!!

ULR GROUP CO-FOUNDER, The Late John Bryant of Stillwater, OKLAHOMA.......who always told me to set Personal Goals....and then laughed when I told him my Goal was to hear 1,000 Stations on a ULR Radio!! I think I laughed too.......well Johnny Boy...this one is for you!! Now we know the answer to that question....."Can 1,000 Stations be heard on a ULR Radio??"

ULR LATIN DXer EXTRAORDINAIRE .....The Late Kirk Allen of Ponca City, OKLAHOMA.......Kirk you didn't hang around long enough to see this happen, but this one is for you too!! You would have accomplished this feat very soon as well....had you been given just a little more time......

I would also like to thank my Radio Buddy RICHARD ALLEN of Perry, OKLAHOMA....who is currently sitting at 983 Stations heard on a ULR Radio....and will be joining the 1,000 Heard Club very soon!!! His big surge the past few months gave me inspiration to hit the dials hard and finally log # 1,000.

Thanks to the Many Dxer's who offered DX Tips, and Station ID assistance along the way. Your valuable input made the trip to 1,000 a little easier!!

TOTAL Hours spent DXing to Reach 1,000 ULR Stations.......I don't even want to guess!!!!!! Lets just say it was a lot!!!

TOTAL STATIONS LOGGED............................1,000

TOTAL DOMESTICS HEARD............................948

TOTAL LATINS HEARD...................................45


TOTAL CONTINENTS HEARD.........................4

TOTAL STATES  HEARD.................................42

TOTAL PROVINCES HEARD............................6

TOTAL COUNTRIES HEARD...........................18

TOTAL GRAVEYARDERS HEARD....................113

73.........ROB VA3SW

Robert S. Ross
London, Ontario CANADA
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