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[IRCA] Alberta TPs for 28 November 2015

It was one of those "almost interesting" days here. Seemed to be a slight shift to DU from Asia compared to the last 3 days. Korea on 1566 and VOA on 1575 still made audio, but 1593 from China couldn't quite do it today. Lots of carriers on the X-band, which hasn't been the case of late. Those on 1611, 1638 and 1701 were very close to audio, and I likely could have found a few seconds here and there if I had the ambition to search my recording that thoroughly. A lot of the carriers lower down were also on freqs that more typically get me DU stations too. Listening was a bit abbreviated today, starting only at 1430, but audio didn't show up until about 1440, so don't think I missed much.


Nigel Pimblett
Dunmore, AB
Perseus SDR & Wellbrook Phased Array

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