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[IRCA] KOKC-1520 heard in SD

Got a new toy. An RTL.SDR. Not really impressed so far but the only antenna I have functioning at the moment is a 70' inverted L (sort of) 32' AGL with a 14.4:1 Balun. No tuner or anything, just hooked directly to the SDR. I bought it to experiment with it as an IF/detector since it only has a 50dB dynamic range. Probably tap the 2nd IF on the R-71 while I finish up the homebrew.
I was messing around with it on 1520 while the local daytimer was still 
on the air yesterday. I got up this morning, fired it up and caught a 
TOH ID, managed to get "KOKC" then fading out. Caught America in the 
Morning just after 5:00 CDT (wasn't watching the clock) . Sports, NCAA 
mentioned at 5:18. Fading with a garbled UNID.
Not bad considering they're using a folded monopole. ;)

Tim Hills
Sioux Falls, SD

Radio used, RTL.SDR
Antenna, Inverted L
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