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[IRCA] Broadband Loops-Mounting Height

I have a Wellbrook Communications ALA-1530S+ broadband loop that I use for MW and LW DXing. My home is in a residential neighborhood that is controlled by a Homeowners Association (HOA). Our by-laws contain restrictions against outdoor antennas of any type, except for small satellite dishes. Our home is surrounded on three of the four sides by other homes, in close proximity. Noise is a real issue.

We've been successful in disguising a Clifton Labs active whip, by hiding it inside a tall, vertical blue marlin bird house, which is allowed by the HOA. I'd like to mount the ALA-1530 on a small TV rotor. The antenna would be allowed if it can be mounted below the privacy fence in our back yard which is approximately eight feet in height.

Is there an optimum height for mounting a broadband loop? Anyone have experience in using a loop mounted at a low height, such as on a tripod?

My plan was to walk around the back yard with a portable AM radio and look for a quiet spot. After mapping some potential spots, I planned to return to those at different times of the day, until I determined which one was quietest overall.

If anyone has other suggestions, or experiences to share, I'd be grateful for the advice.


Les Rayburn, N1LF
Maylene, AL

Member NRC, IRCA, & Medium Wave DX Circle
Former CPC Chairman for NRC/IRCA

Perseus SDR, SDR-IQ,Funcube Pro, Wellbrooke ALA-1530+ loop, LF Engineering Active Whips,
Quantum Phaser, Kiwa Loop, Palstar MW Pre-Selector

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