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[IRCA] Impromptu DX Test on 1560?

Out late tonight running errands, listening to 1560 KHz for more new ones. Began hearing bits of Morse Code at about 10 WPM around 1:05 AM CST. About half an hour later, I'm now hearing sweep tones of the kind commonly used in our tests.
Anyone aware of a station during transmitter testing tonight on this 


Les Rayburn, N1LF
Maylene, AL

Member NRC, IRCA, & Medium Wave DX Circle
Former CPC Chairman for NRC/IRCA

Perseus SDR, SDR-IQ,Funcube Pro, Wellbrooke ALA-1530+ loop, LF Engineering Active Whips,
Quantum Phaser, Kiwa Loop, Palstar MW Pre-Selector

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