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[IRCA] A few logs - Cape Cod, MA - AUG 2014

--- Begin Message ---
Report from Mark Connelly, WA1ION - Times / dates = UTC / 2014
e-mail = "MarkWA1ION@xxxxxxx"

[Connelly*Y-MA] = South Yarmouth, Cape Cod, MA, USA
(GC= 41.6931 N / 70.1912 W) (= 41Â 41.59' N / 70Â 11.47' W)

Receiver: Microtelecom Perseus

Antennas: Two cardioid-pattern SuperLoops: 8m by 10m (peak 75 deg., null 255 deg.) and 10m by 11m (peak 165 deg., null 345 deg.). See http://www.bamlog.com/superloop.htm for similar antenna type.


153 | ALGERIA | Chaine 1, Bechar, AUG 20 0200 - Female Arabic vocal; under Germany. [Connelly*Y-MA]
153 | GERMANY | Deutschlandfunk, Donebach, AUG 20 0200 - 
Deutschlandfunk ID, pips; fair. [Connelly*Y-MA]
162 | FRANCE | France-Inter, Allouis, AUG 20 0200 - "Imagine" by John 
Lennon, France-Inter mention by man, pips, musical fanfare, mentions of 
USA & Washington. [Connelly*Y-MA]
171 | MOROCCO | R. Mediterranee Internationale, Nador, AUG 12 0200 - 
Music, woman in Arabic; loud. [Connelly*Y-MA]
177 | GERMANY | Oranienburg, AUG 12 0200 - ID "Deutschlandradio 
Kultur", news by man in German mentioned Obama; good. [Connelly*Y-MA]
183 | GERMANY | Europe No. 1, Felsberg, AUG 12 0200 - Chimes, French 
news about USA, police; good. [Connelly*Y-MA]
189 | ICELAND | Rikisutvarpid, Gufuskalar, AUG 12 0200 - Fanfare music, 
Icelandic talk by man & woman; good. [Connelly*Y-MA]
207 | GERMANY | Deutschlandfunk, Aholming, AUG 12 0200 - Electronic 
sounder, Deutschlandfunk ID; over Morocco. + AUG 20 0201 - Man with 
news in German; good. [Connelly*Y-MA]
207 | MOROCCO | Radiodiffusion Television Marocaine (A), Azilal, AUG 12 
0200 - Arabic woman; mixed with Germany. [Connelly*Y-MA]
225 | POLAND | Polskie Radio, Konstantynow, AUG 12 0200 - 5+1 pips, man 
in Polish, fanfare music; good. [Connelly*Y-MA]
234 | LUXEMBOURG | RTL, Junglinster, AUG 12 0000 - Simon & Garfunkel "I 
Am a Rock", man then woman in French; fair. + AUG 12 0200 - Woman in 
French; fair. [Connelly*Y-MA]
252 | IRELAND | RTE R.1, Clarkestown, AUG 12 0200 - News about the 
death of Robin Williams; fair. [Connelly*Y-MA]
549 | ALGERIA | Jil FM, Les Trembles, AUG 20 0158 - Man in Arabic; 
poor. [Connelly*Y-MA]
612 | MOROCCO | RTM A, Sebaa-Aioun, AUG 20 0158 - Male a cappella 
chant; fair.  Though sometimes noted on 611, it was 612 this time. 
711.111 | WESTERN SAHARA | RTM, Laayoune, AUG 19 0200 - Het, bits of 
talk. [Connelly*Y-MA]
783 | MAURITANIA | R. Mauritanie, Nouakchott, AUG 19 0000 - Arabic news 
by man; fair. [Connelly*Y-MA]
909 | UNITED KINGDOM | BBC R.5 synchros, AUG 12 0200 - BBC Five Live 
ID; through splatter. [Connelly*Y-MA]
1089 | UNITED KINGDOM | TalkSport synchros, AUG 20 0159 - Mentions of 
rugby; poor. [Connelly*Y-MA]
1215 | UNITED KINGDOM | Absolute R. synchros, AUG 19 0200 - Man with 
news mentioning California; to fair peak. [Connelly*Y-MA]
1377 | FRANCE | France Info, Lille, AUG 12 0001 - French news by woman; 
fair. [Connelly*Y-MA]
1422 | GERMANY | Deutschlandfunk, Heusweiler, AUG 19 0000 - German news 
by man; to fair peak over others. [Connelly*Y-MA]
1512 | SAUDI ARABIA | BSKSA, Jeddah, AUG 20 0159 - Koranic male chant; 
hammered by WUFC slop. [Connelly*Y-MA]
1521 | SAUDI ARABIA | BSKSA, Duba, AUG 19 0000 - Fanfare / intro music, 
man in Arabic; good. + AUG 20 0200 - Excited Arabic talk by man; good. 


530 | CUBA | CMBQ, R. Enciclopedia, La Habana, AUG 12 0159 - "Perfidia" instrumental, Spanish talk by woman, samba theme, "Radio Enciclopedia" ID. [Connelly*Y-MA]
530 | CUBA | R. Rebelde, Guantanamo, AUG 23 0100 - Talk, "splash" 
sounds // 600 et al.; over R. Enciclopedia. [Connelly*Y-MA]
540 | COLOMBIA | HJKA, Bogota, AUG 5 0200 - Spanish religious talk by 
man, Bogota mentions; slightly over mess. [Connelly*Y-MA]
560 | CUBA | R. Rebelde, Ciego Avila, AUG 23 0059 - Sped-up Rebelde 
9-note sounder; mixed with WGAN & WFIL. [Connelly*Y-MA]
640 | CUBA | R. Progreso synchros, AUG 23 0100 - Ridiculous wobbling on 
Progreso outlet - trashing the channel. [Connelly*Y-MA]
690 | COLOMBIA | HJCZ, W Radio, Bogota, AUG 5 0200 - "W Radio", "en 
Bogota" mentions; over Cuba & CKGM. [Connelly*Y-MA]
780 | VENEZUELA | YVMN, R. Coro, Coro, AUG 5 0158 - Radio Coro ID's. 
840 | CUBA | CMHW, "W", Santa Clara, AUG 5 0300 - Dobleve ID's; good / 
dominant. [Connelly*Y-MA]
910 | CUBA | R. Cadena Agramonte, Camaguey, AUG 5 0300 - "Radio Cadena 
Agramonte" ID; somewhat over other Spanish talkers (YVRQ, WLAT, CMBL?). 
940 | PUERTO RICO | WIPR, San Juan, AUG 5 0200 - "Maxima Nueve Cuarenta 
AM" ID through jumble. [Connelly*Y-MA]
960 | CUBA | R. Reloj, Guantanamo, AUG 5 0159 - Reloj talk, "RR" beeps, 
ticks; through domestic jumble. [Connelly*Y-MA]
1060 | CUBA | ?, AUG 10 0400 - Cuban anthem; under WQOM & KYW. 
1070 | COLOMBIA | HJCG, R. Santafe, Bogota, AUG 5 0200 - Fanfare, 
Q'hubo and Santafe mentions; poor. [Connelly*Y-MA]
1610 | ANGUILLA | Caribbean Beacon, The Valley, AUG 23 0101 - Female US 
preacher talking about raising money; over Spanish talker and slightly 
off-frequency TIS. [Connelly*Y-MA]

--- End Message ---
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