[IRCA] Re Perseus Files from 1986!!
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[IRCA] Re Perseus Files from 1986!!

I am fascinated by the conversion of a broadband vhs tape recording to a Perseus file. Well done......
So alined freq for both, set PC date back, and played into perseus 
aerial socket and press record?? Is that how it was done???
And it worked????

Any chance of posting a 5m or so toth Perseus file somewhere???

For 1986 and 1991....??? Night time files would be of interest as well...

Re DX test on 1440 - Pity the station never started around 0300 when the mighty Luxembourg was still silent. It was on air by 0500 UTC. Maybe next time..... Condx were much much better on the sat night by chance , and might have made it over luxy , as some of the others on 1440 do here in Europe.. Maybe next time..... Lux is on for 0400 GMT at this time, till end March if there was any chance of a repeat???...
Ken, Scotland
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