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[IRCA] SDR-Console and the Perseus SDR Volume Levels

Got the new Perseus SDR hooked up and running last night using SDRV4.1 downloaded from the Perseus web site. No problems at all with the initial installation on Windows 7 Pro. Had it working within moments.
One issue I did notice was that when I used the Perseus with the 
SDR-Console software, the AF output volume was much lower compared to 
the native Perseus software. No idea why this would be, and couldn't 
find a place to adjust the level inside the SDR-Console software. Can 
someone offer assistance?
RF levels appeared to be the same for both software.

So far, I love the Perseus! One other question--how much bandwidth can the Perseus record in I/O mode? I've seen some sites that say it's limited to 800 KHz, others say 1600 KHz, and others 2 MHz. My understanding is that it would cover the entire AM band, which would be 1710 KHz (1.7 MHz)


Les Rayburn, N1LF
Maylene, AL

Member NRC, IRCA, & Medium Wave DX Circle
Former CPC Chairman for NRC/IRCA

SDR-IQ,Funcube Pro, Wellbrooke ALA-1530+ loop, LF Engineering Active Whips,
Quantum Phaser, Kiwa Loop, Palstar MW Pre-Selector

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