Re: [IRCA] Radio's Digital Dilemma
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Re: [IRCA] Radio's Digital Dilemma

On 01/02/2014 02:04 AM, Walter Salmaniw wrote:
Someone wanted info on IBOC stations a while back.  I checked the Alaskans
while here in Masset and could find none still using.  Far less now than in
past DXpeditions here, which is great.  I'm only hearing a couple of lower
48 stations causing a nuisance now.  Can someone post a list of Alaskan
IBOCers for me.  My list is from 2011-2012.  73,  Walt
I've attempted to contact some of the Alaska stations directly to see if 
they're still running IBOC.  So far, I've found that KOTZ-720, KCHU-770, 
and KBBI-890 have definitely turned it off, but I got no response from 
some others.  At the moment, this is the list of stations that may be 
still running it:
650 KENI Anchorage
670 KDLG Dillingham
830 KSDP Sand Point
870 KSKO McGrath
900 KZPA Fort Yukon
910 KIYU Galena
930 KNSA Unalaleet


Barry McLarnon Ottawa, ON
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