[IRCA] TP 21 Sep; Victoria version
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[IRCA] TP 21 Sep; Victoria version

Things sprang back in a big way this morning, lots of things nipping out of the underbrush for a moment or two, then nipping back. It was erratic, but busy.

pretty darn good audio (all of it understandable by a native speaker, at least briefly):
nothing really made it

774 JOUB various times
1566 HLAZ man in JJ 1250UT

Reasonable audio at times during the period (much of it understandable by a native speaker, though often battling w/splash or noise):
189 R. Rossii man and woman in RR 1303UT
279 R. Rossii man in RR 1334UT
594 JOAK two men in JJ, woman laughing, 1349UT; this was up and down more than most
747 JOIB man in JJ 1346UT
828 JOBB man JJ //774 1328UT
963 CRI woman in RR1351UT seemed parallel w/much weaker 1323 which was in "imaginary audio" this morning
972 man in KK then woman 1332UT
1017 woman singing, 1343UT; not //7290, but I don't think that was CRI either
1053 KK jammer 1351UT

not so reasonable audio, occasional words or phrases in splash or noise could be understood by a native speaker:
756 CNR1 frantic CC by man 1310UT, seemed //981 which was 
disappearing into the weeds at that time
837 man in CC then woman, 1247UT, Harbin nx channel?
873 JOGB man in JJ //747 1345UT
891 mystery...oriental talk by woman 1333UT, sounded CC more than anything else, certainly not JJ; I'm not familiar w/Thai...
981 CNR1  man in CC 1305 UT
1134 JOQR man and woman in frantic JJ 1305UT, but by 1317UT there was a man talking slowly over top, presumed Korea?
1143 woman in CC 1401UT, nothing on the hour;  Taiwan?
1206 Yanbian man in KK 1303UT

Burbles in the splatter and noise (if lucky, language might be guessed at by cadence of talk, or parallel established by changes in talk or music) :
567 JOIK man in JJ //891; JOAK was being unreliable again
621 unID.  CC sounding woman 1324UT, tough in splash
639 CNR1 man in CC //981 but lagging slightly, 1307UT
702 NHK2 synchros man talking //828 1329UT
738 man talking FF inflection? 1346UT
864 unID  pop mx not //1287 1342UT
891 JOHK man in JJ //594 1249UT
945 CNR1 woman talking //6030 1353UT
954 JOKR? pop mx 1353UT
1089 unID flute mx 1343UT
1242 JOLF? man and woman talking 1304UT JJ inflection; again w/man talking 1350UT
1503 JOUK man in JJ //594 which was collapsing at the time, 1331UT

Strongish het, no or "near imaginary"audio (either undermodulated or ravaged by splatter):
153 585 846 1035 (rough)  1044 1098 1116 1125 1197  1251 1332

best wishes,


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