Re: [IRCA] RF Conversion
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Re: [IRCA] RF Conversion


I looked for something similar a while back and unless you have some very deep pockets you might want to try a different solution unless you want to home-brew something.

I use the twin coax that's used for satellite dishes. A balun on each end and the center conductors fed as a balanced line or a balanced preamp at the feed end with the power injector/DC block at the receiver end. Oddly enough it seems to work best with the grounding block about mid-point in the feed line. A 4:1 Balun wound with thin Litz on an Amidon 43 material core seems to work best for the 50 Ohm input on the receivers from ~60KHz to (over?) 30 MHz. I haven't tested the setup above the 10m band.

I have 3 MW stations putting fat signals into my back yard and the line runs right past the breaker box and I get very little noise pickup.

Just my $0.02

Tim Hills
Sioux Falls, SD

On 2/16/2013 13:44, Craig Healy wrote:
I am beginning to see if there are any adequate RF to fiber optic conversions, and conversion back to the same RF. My goal is to use fiber optic cable rather than coax or twisted pairs for antenna connection. Fiber optic cable doesn't pick up noise and has lower loss than cable.

I began with Google search of: "RF analog to fiber optic conversion" That seemed to indicate that there is equipment to do that, and not hugely expensive.

FWIW, maybe other people can find something as well.

Craig Healy
Providence, RI

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