[IRCA] Alberta TPs for 5 Dec 2012
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[IRCA] Alberta TPs for 5 Dec 2012

Looks like I was hearing pretty much the same signals as Dennis this morning, only at weaker levels for the most part.
774 - presumed JOUB Japan with traces of audio at 1430

1287, 1377, 1422, 1476 - strong carrier near to audio level

1557 TAIWAN presumed with bits of music now and then around 1450

1566 HLAZ, S KOREA at fair to good level when I tuned in at 1423, but slipped back a bit after that.
1575 VOA THAILAND  rose to audio level at 1450, with fair signal for the 
next 15 minutes
1593 CNR1 CHINA  the strongest TP this morning, with good levels, 
especially around 1440-1455, when it was about as good as I've heard it 
all season.
Strong carrier on 1602 as well, but never quite made audio.


Nigel Pimblett
Dunmore, Alberta
Perseus SDR, Wellbrook Phased Array
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