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[IRCA] New Station + New Country
- Subject: [IRCA] New Station + New Country
- From: Dennis Vroom <vroomski@xxxxxxxxx>
- Date: Wed, 31 Oct 2012 19:19:07 -0700 (PDT)
0209 utc I had the pleasure of receiving my first Trans-Atlantic long wave station, RUV R'as 2 Iceland 189 kHz in with a weak steady signal for about 2 minutes before they faded out. Man in Icelandic? Heard on only one antenna, Steve Ratzlaff's High Performance Active Whip. Very happy on this catch, before trying for 8 years.
Best regards,
Kalama, WA
High Performance Active Whip
Solar Indices SF 104 A 5 K 2
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