[IRCA] White line fever DX
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[IRCA] White line fever DX

Jim Renfrew, Holley NY

I had to take a drive to and from Medina, about 25 miles west of here, and managed to find an interesting channel, 1370.
2056 edt    1370    WGIV    NC    Pineville, not sure of format, but music 
and boisterous talk, ID for WGIV 1370, Pineville NC and WYPJ 95.3 "Anderson, 
South Carolina".  First logged in January 2012.  Listed as 16000/45.  If so, 
that 45 watts gets out very well.
2125 edt    1370    WTAB    NC    Tabor City    HS Football, Tabor City ads. 
Listed as 5000/109.  Not bad for 109 watts.

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