Re: [IRCA] TP Oct 8, 2012 / Victoria version
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Re: [IRCA] TP Oct 8, 2012 / Victoria version

Actually, I believe that 765 wasn't that uncommon on the Vancouver Island coast in the '80s Gary, back when it was 2ZK (I wonder what Patrick remembers; bound to be a QSL!). Even heard it at home a time or two, using unamplified box loop and transmogrified HRO if I remember right. But, propagation changes over the years it seems.
best wishes,


At 13:11 09-10-12, you wrote:


Well, even if 603-R. Waatea and 765-R. Kahungunu didn't manage much of a signal in Victoria yesterday, your receptions were still very impressive. As far as I know, 603-Waatea has never been heard at Grayland, and only Bill Whitacre has heard 765-Kahungunu there.
<<<   On my 828 unID, it appears quite possible that it was Radio
Trackside, as per the network's website, they are supposed to run
until 4AM NZ time.    >>>

You are probably correct, since Kiwi-slanted propagation usually brings in all three of these at the same time. 828-Trackside can be pretty strong when you have this kind of bizarre propagation kick in. And yes, I did have all three of these lower-powered Kiwi stations pounding in at freakish levels this summer on the Oregon cliffs, but at the time I figured that it was simply wishful thinking brought on by sleep deprivation.

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