So the CW is 700 Hz, you say?
When I recorded the video last night (link in a
prev msg) of my reception on 900, I don't recall
ever hearing any trace of CW. XEW was on top,
and there was considerable splatter from 910-KECR.
I hope to try again tonight, though, and I was
thinking.... Does anyone think I have a chance
if I record it, then import the audio in an
editor and use a very narrow bandpass filter
around 700 Hz (for example ±15-20 Hz @ -3 dB,
25-100 Hz @ -60-90 dB depending on how good
Audacity's custom equalizer works), I might have
a chance to pick out some CW? With the unedited
audio straight from the radio, I can't detect
any trace of CW in the previous recording, even
though I have a sharp ear that can detect
slightly out of tune notes on a piano that 99%
of people would think are fine, for example.
On Sun, Mar 4, 2012 9:44 AM PST Nick Hall-Patch wrote:
>The CW ID seems to be at the end of a canned verbal ID by a man
>mentioning call letters, Camosun College and ending with "we are
>Village 900" The CW pitch seems to be a few Hertz below 700Hz for
>those who might want to try some filtering on an otherwise blocked
>channel. I've heard the ID on the hour as well (not before BBC
>news?) as well as after the news, but it seems to be popping up at
>other times also. Oh yes, the CW ID is pretty swift also, at least
>to my aged ears, and goes on for over 10 seconds.
>Good luck with catching this. It's effectively a several day long
>DX test, with no hope of a repeat, so best to log them now.