Re: [IRCA] PL-360?
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Re: [IRCA] PL-360?

Thanks to Richard and Stephen for the comments.

The PL-606 is probably what I'll go with since the 360 is too small to beat around in my briefcase. My 2 month old cell already looks like it spent 2 tours in Afghanistan :/
On the other end of the scale, I picked up a DX-302 cheap. I've wanted 
one since the first time I saw one on display at Radio Shack. I haven't 
had much time to play with it yet but using the same antenna it smokes 
my (mostly unmodified) DX-440 up to about 5 MHz for sensitivity and 
adjacent chan rejection.
A peek inside tells me someone replaced the front end FET with an ECG222 
and there might be a different wide filter in it. The sound on wide on 
local MW stations is way beyond the 440. An alignment is all it seems to 
need to be a good MWDX unit.
I like the features of modern receivers but I still have a fondness for 
the early solid state and later tube units.
Tim Hills
Sioux Falls, SD
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