Re: [IRCA] [NRC-AM] Building a "state of the art" MW DX station
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Re: [IRCA] [NRC-AM] Building a "state of the art" MW DX station

Hi Les,

There was a discussion concerning the SDR-IQ vs. the Perseus on the Perseus Yahoo group around the end of November; look in the group archives for details. The Perseus software seems to be rather static, while the SDR-Radio software for RFSpace radios keeps on being developed, and even the simpler RFSpace Spectravue software keeps improving in fits and starts (remember that software is important in a "software defined radio"). However, I don't think anyone would disagree that the Perseus hardware is more crunchproof than the SDR-IQ, in addition to the Perseus' greater bandwidth. More recent RFSpace radios are more comparable to the Perseus, but they are pricier. For some peculiar reason, they come complete with electrically noisy power supplies along with the higher price.
As for antennas, the broadband Wellbrook loops do seem to be quite 
resistant to local noise.  I've used the ALA100 with quite a lot of 
success in electrically noisy hotel rooms, suspended in a window, and 
driving both conventially tuned radios and SDRs.   Tacking the loop 
onto your fence (the loops receive well close to the ground) will 
likely give quite good results.   Main problem is that loops do have 
a null.  Can you do two loops at right angles to each other (maybe 
after verifying their lower noise level at your site before springing 
for the second one), and switching between them, or even phasing them together?
best wishes,


At 04:10 03-01-12, you wrote:
Honestly, the ability to review recordings is the biggest deterrent to my upgrading my RF Space SDR-IQ to a Perseus. While it would be wonderful to record the entire AM band on a given night, it would prove nearly impossible for me to review.
I'd be interested in how much difference in performance I could 
expect between the SDR-IQ and Perseus in regards to DXing the MW band.

Les N1LF

Les Rayburn, Director
High Noon Film
130 1st Avenue West
Alabaster, AL 35007-8536
(205) 621-7500
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(205) 253-4867 CELL

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