Re: [IRCA] RG11
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Re: [IRCA] RG11

Does anyone use RG11? I have never used it and is it harder to put
connectors on over RG6? Thanks.
Depends on the type.  If it's the copper based version, regular UHF plugs 
can be soldered on just as is done with the more common RG-8.  The aluminum 
based type would use a specific crimp connector which would require the 
right tools.
One problem with RG-6 for MW frequency is the loss.  The center conductor is 
copper coated steel.  This has a higher resistive loss as the frequency 
drops.  RG-6 used for video is solid copper center conductor.  This is for 
composite video, not VHF or UHF.
Rather than use RG-11 I'd probably buy RG-8 that is suitable for being 
buried.  Even RG-58 would be OK if it's under 100 feet or so.  It can be 
bought with connectors already installed.  Plug and play.
Another test I made is making a balun for each end and using CAT5 ethernet 
network cable.  It's balanced and gathers less noise or unwanted signals on 
the way in.  Also cheap and very easy to build.
Craig Healy
Providence, RI

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