Re: [IRCA] Two Morning Catch-Up
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Re: [IRCA] Two Morning Catch-Up

John H. Bryant wrote:
720 kHz: KDWN has seemed much less a bother this year than in the past, so I have been hearing a variety of low level things here at max. dawn. Yesterday, I was sitting here at 1330 and, way in the mud, I heard what just had to be the VOA "Yankee Doodle" interval signal. I heard it TWICE. The first time, I couldn't believe my ears, but the second time.... In any case, there is nothing in PAL for a VOA outlet. I do notice a VOR outlet in Kamchatka, though, and I know that VOA buys time on some VOR Far Eastern transmitters, so that is my best guess. Anyone ever heard this??

I checked the VOA website and didn't see anything listed on 720. I went so far as to find the pdf of the VOA program guide, which lists affiliates in the Pacific region. Affiliates are local stations that carry VOA programs at times. Nothing listed there either. That leaves at least two possibilities: something relatively new that isn't listed on the VOA website yet - or - a domestic station that happened to be running an ad or promo or whatever that included a few bars of Yankee Doodle
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