[IRCA] Early Report from Grayland
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[IRCA] Early Report from Grayland

Got down to our Grayland DXpedition site Sunday afternoon with plans to scarf up some more DownUnder Trans-Pacific DX before the close of our summer season and to test the selectivity of the latest of the DSP Ultralights, the Kchibo D98L. Sometimes, the plans just don't work out.
The TP propagation conditions were quite poor, considerably below the 
"low average" conditions that I experienced a couple of weeks ago. 
Only 738 Tahiti and one or two others were available at my first 
check, three hours before dawn. The number of hets at that time of 
night was much reduced, as well. Things did improve somewhat the hour 
before dawn (now at 1300 UTC) and in a brief post dawn period. 
However, only the biggest guns were present in audio and that audio 
was mostly at threshold or language-recognition level.  If Monday 
morning was an indicator, the seasons are also already transitioning 
from our DU summer season to true Fall conditions.... which for us 
means East Asia. The Big Guns that I heard this morning were about a 
50-50 mix of the most reliable DU and Japanese stations, with just 
one or two Koreans peaking over the threshold.... seasonally, more 
what I would expect in late August.  The only bright spot 
loggings-wise was stumbling on to KNUI, Kahalui, Maui dominating the 
semi-local 900 kHz. station in Victoria, BC just at dawn, 1300. I've 
not heard them in several years.  They now announce "Fox News 900, 
The Talk of Maui."  The station was a new Ultralight catch.
Conditions were so poor that I probably could not have given the 
Kchibo D96L a decent test, any way, but when I did try, I discovered 
that my "I hope this works" quick mod to the D96L so that I could run 
it directly on an outside antenna was NOT WORKING.  I'll trouble 
shoot that and/or may try to kluge an inductive coupling this 
evening.  Hopefully the conditions will improve tomorrow morning.
Well, if this stuff was easy, it would probably be too boring to keep 
our interest.... I guess :>)
More tomorrow or Wednesday evening.

John Bryant
Grayland, Washington
Winradio 313E + E100 Slider w/Murata Filter
Wellbrook Phased Array + 600 foot Westerly BOG

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