Re: [IRCA] 1215 audible tonight in Victoria
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Re: [IRCA] 1215 audible tonight in Victoria

Hi Neil,
Thanks for the note on Moldova, which was certainly a surprise last night, as conditions seemed OK, but not exceptional. Spain seems much less of any issue here as I've never heard it on 999 (nor on 1215 for that matter where I only ever get the UK or Russia, whereas everyone else seems to get Spain as well). I heard it for about 3-4 minutes shortly after 0300 UTC. Would have been nice to hear it a few minutes earlier at TOH, but beggars can't be choosers!
1134 was also good here last night, but otherwise audio was very sparse. 
 The regular suspects on  1215, 1206, 1377 didn't do anything.   Did 
hear a little audio on 1116 and 1125, but not enough to even determine 

Nigel Pimblett
Dunmore, Alberta

  Neil Kazaross wrote:

Nice catch that Moldova on 999 !! This continues to elude me both here in Barrington IL and up 140km north in Grafton WI. When I can get by WMVP (much easier in WI than here) it is always Spain. a nice COPE ID last weekend from Grafton. I have even tried a wire at 355 degrees here in Barrington hoping to null Madrid (61 deg) but I still got Spain in TA cx last season rather than Moldova !
At what time did you have your RR audio on 999 ?

At times tonite 1134 seemed like a domestic as I tuned past it, it was so strong. ie as strong as what I had on 1130 or 1140 and this is on antennas not aimed TA. I'd have spent a few minutes putting down TA antennas due to these cx, but they'd have to be rolled up tomorrow as I fly out of town and mowing is Monday before I return. Noting that I am weening myself toward retirement rather than semi-retirement, I'll spend Thurs/Fri/Sat (Hockey game Sun in Chicago) in WI chasing TA's unless cx crap out.
1206 France as usual is in 2nd place here.  1215 UK/Spain not as good. 
1377 France had some audio. Hets everywhere messing up my domestic 
(Well NW USA/Canada ) sunset DX.
By sunset DX I mean nice reception of KPRI 1550 with   Indian in lang...Vancouver phone numbers....
New is CKUA Edmonton 580..very nice cl mx ...// internet  2145 
CDT...... 73 KAZ 

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