[IRCA] Question RE: Transmitter site for WFED 1500 Khz...EX-1050 Khz?????
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[IRCA] Question RE: Transmitter site for WFED 1500 Khz...EX-1050 Khz?????

Hi Guys:

This morning I logged WFED on 1500 Khz. This is the station that was previously on 1050 Khz. I realize they have taken over the Old WWWT Frequency of 1500 Khz....but what I am unsure of is......did they also take over the Old WWWT Transmitter site as well??? Or....are they still transmitting from Silver Spring Maryland. ( I am assuming that WWWT and WFED had separate Transmitting sites??).
What I am trying to determine is.....

Is this a Frequency change from 1050 to 1500 for WFED.........

OR ...

Is this just a CALL Letter Change for WWWT???

If it's a Frequency Change for WFED....then I guess I can count this as a New Station...if it's just a Call Change for WWWT...then I can't!!!
Anyone can clear this up for me??? I've checked on the net....but I'm still 
unsure what the situation is???
Thanks for any assistance!!


Robert S. Ross VA3SW
Box 1003, Stn. B.
London, Ontario

Antique/Vintage Radio Enthusiast
Amateur Radio Stations VA3SW/VE3JFC

Defy Physics.....Play Table Tennis!! (Ping Pong with an Attitude)

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