[IRCA] Awards Are Attached to Two Other E-Mails
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[IRCA] Awards Are Attached to Two Other E-Mails


I've completed all of the awards that we have records for and will attach them to two additional e-mails. Here is what is coming your way:
Master International DXer: Barefoot
55 Countries Heard: Barefoot
Trans-Atlantic DXer: Unlimited (see below)
4 Continents Heard: Barefoot
4 Canadian Provinces: Barefoot (see below)
7-Day Ross Challenge: Barefoot
30-Day Ross Challenge: Barefoot

The Trans-Atlantic DXer: Unlimited is a little recognized Award that we confer to celebrate the first TA or TP reception in each receiver class. As you will note, the award lists the actual reception and date. I conferred this one (and assume Rob's approval) based on your first Trans-Atlantic reception listed in the Firsts. If you will send Rob the details of your first TA reception that was Barefoot, we'd like to confer that one in the Barefoot class, as ell.
Apparently you applied and Rob approved an award for 5 Canadian 
Provinces.  Unfortunately, we only list Province awards at 4 and 6 
(Master Award there.) So, I filled out your 4 Provinces Award.
I still owe you all of the interim awards for Countries Heard and the 
3 Continents Award.
Paul, I wish you would look over your loggings some more.... I'll bet 
that you have qualified for several other awards. For instance, we 
award Trans-Atlantic Stations heard at 10, 20, 30, 35, 40, etc.  And 
similar awards for Latin Stations, starting at 5 stations. There are 
also Total Stations Heard Awards, 100, 200, etc. Rob would love to 
look over submittals in those areas, too! Do let Rob know the details 
of that first TA station Barefoot and I'll do that award with the 
others in about 10 days.... after I get back from Grayland.
You might also be interested in the fact that you have now heard more 
countries on an Ultralight than anyone else.  Allen Willie has 
received an award for 50 countries, but has not yet hit 55!
It goes without saying, but WOW!


The awards will be uploaded in parallel with this e-mail, in two large files. If those don't make it for any reason, I'll try one award per e-mail.
John Bryant
for the Awards Committee _______________________________________________
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