Re: [IRCA] BC TPs, Saturday
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Re: [IRCA] BC TPs, Saturday


With house guests in our small abode, I stayed in bed so as not to disturb their sleep at "zero dark:30" this AM. Sorry, with both of you up and attem, I would have liked to compare. If the Sandman will release me from his surly grip, I'll sure be up tomorrow AM (Sunday.)
John B.

At 06:12 PM 6/21/2008 +0000, you wrote:
At 13:03 6/21/2008, Walt wrote:

>I suspect that I missed the boat, having woken up at 12:05 UTC.

I was up about 15 minutes earlier, and apparently missed even the boat that you caught, Walt. I did quit at 1210UT however, so looks like there was a lift later; sure looked like it was going downhill at that time, but guess I was wrong.
Audios were practically non-existent for me, and simply burbles in 
the splash:  738 and 1503, both between 1205 and 1210, and popping 
up very briefly.  738 did have a strong carrier, however, which I 
think was Tahiti, though the audio seemed more in an Australian direction.
Reasonable carriers, but not delivering audio:  756, 1008, 1098, 1475

There were lots of other carriers, but mostly weak, and all seeming DU.


Nick Hall-Patch
Victoria, BC

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