Re: [IRCA] Bird Radio
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Re: [IRCA] Bird Radio

Not a big deal out here in the West. There was an FM in the Vancouver BC area which used to broadcast the sounds of whales. Maybe it still does. On the way down to Portland, OR last month, I heard the same thing (birds) on an FM frequency but didn't stay with it too long.
Pete Taylor
Tacoma, WA
12225w 4719n
HQ180 + Kiwa air core loop
ICF2010 + "     "    "      "
DX398; Palomar loop
SRF-59 & SRF M37V
Craig Healy wrote:

IF you're sick of the inane drivel that comes out of commercial radio, a
unique British radio station may be the answer.
The Birdsong Station - as the name suggests - broadcasts nothing but the
sound of birds.
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