[IRCA] Just one New Stn. on SUNSET SKIP with Ultralight.....a Nice One though!!!........
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[IRCA] Just one New Stn. on SUNSET SKIP with Ultralight.....a Nice One though!!!........

Hi Guys:

Well I managed to get an hour of Sunset Skip DX in tonight....and I was hearing lots of stuff behind the Big Guys....but wasn't able to ID much of it. I did get One Nice one however....even though I had to use their Live Internet Stream to ID it.
Details below..........

Heard on the SONY SRF-T615 Ultralight.

Ultralight Log Total is now................................436 Stations heard.


770   WYHG   Young Harris, GA.  Mar/16/08   1953 EDT   EE   FR
Continuous CLASSIC COUNTRY songs. Played 3 Songs with no Talk or Break.
"Yesterday's Wine, How can I still Love You, and another I didn't know the name of". They have a Live Stream which I was able to tune in on the internet....and YEP It's
Them!! Finally heard some talk on the Stream...with ID's as "REAL COUNTRY"
(Didn't hear that off the air though!!).
Faded out under WABC @ 2000 EDT.....This stn simulcasts with 2 other GA. Stations and WYHG should be DAYS ONLY.....so maybe the fade out was the SIGN OFF??...and
only the other 2 Stations keep Broadcasting??? Anybody down near the GA/TENN/NC
Border can confirm this???? They're only 750 WATTS....so real happy with this one!!!
NEW STN.       750 WATTS Days

Robert S. Ross VA3SW
Box 1003, Stn. B.
London, Ontario

Antique/Vintage Radio Enthusiast
Amateur Radio Stations VA3SW/VE3JFC

Defy Physics.....Play Table Tennis!! (Ping Pong with an Attitude)

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