[IRCA] Ultralight Loggings last night.........2 New Ones!!
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[IRCA] Ultralight Loggings last night.........2 New Ones!!

Hi Guys:

Home from work last night too late for any SUNSET Skip Loggings....but I did still manage a few New Ones later in the evening....
Details Below......

Ultralight Log now .............................395 Stations Heard

Hoping to crank over #400 this weekend!!

Both loggings below made with a Sony SRF-T615 Ultralight.


790   WNIS   Norfolk, VA.   Feb/21/08   2000 EST       EE      VG
News @ 2000. Ad for Local pharmacy. "WNIS News Time" ID.
Weather for Norfolk and Portsmouth areas. ID as "News Radio
790 WNIS".  Into Michael Savage Show.

RELOG.....New To Ultralight    5 KW
1410   WING    Dayton, OHIO   Feb/21/08  2130 EST     EE  PR-FR
Heard Right UNDER my LOCAL STATION CKSL London!!!!! Was able to completely
NULL my Local Station!!! Several mentions of DAYTON by Male DJ.
Into Sports Talk by 2 Male Announcers. Talked about the Boston Red Sox.
Only other time I was able to hear anything under this Local Station was
Many Years ago....using a 4 FOOT Home Built LOOP!!

RELOG...........New to Ultralight           5 KW


Robert S. Ross VA3SW
Box 1003, Stn. B.
London, Ontario

Antique/Vintage Radio Enthusiast
Amateur Radio Stations VA3SW/VE3JFC

Defy Physics.....Play Table Tennis!! (Ping Pong with an Attitude)

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