Re: [IRCA] TP's for Oct 21
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Re: [IRCA] TP's for Oct 21

Listened from 1405 to 1440UT this morning.  A lot of stuff near 
readability, and sometimes two or more signals per channel.  The 
Japanese were reasonable including second tier stuff like 954 and 
1287, but generally there was a strong Chinese presence, though 
mostly readable for a few seconds at a time.  Walt was smart and 
listened past 1500UT; the Japanese big guns were mostly carriers by 
then, so I didn't listen much further.   Has NHK2 changed its s/off 
times?   I've heard about 1600UT s/offs, and expected to hear the 
music box at 1500 this morning, but the little audio then seemed like talk.

According to the propagation monitor, 1566 had a final peak about 
1538UT, late for this time of year

Asian unless noted.

Darn good audio, if briefly:   nothing this time

Reasonable audio  (though often battling w/splash)  594,  774, 828, 1575

Not so reasonable audio, occasional words in splash or noise:  747, 
873 (JJ & KK plus hum), 918 CC, 945 (2 stations CNR1 //5030 and ?), 
963, 972 (huge carrier)

Burbles in the splatter:  558, 567, 621, 702 (off channel slightly), 
738, 756, 792 DU, 864, 936, 954, 981 (//5030?), 1008, 1017, 1044, 
1053 mx, 1134, 1161, 1242, 1287, 1323 (briefly strong enough for //963), 1566

strong carrier, no audio:   639, 819, 855 hum, 1206 hum, 1377

best wishes,


Nick Hall-Patch
Victoria, B.C.


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