[IRCA] KOHI-1600: The Case Of The Missing Radials
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[IRCA] KOHI-1600: The Case Of The Missing Radials

At 12:53 AM 6/4/2007 +0000, you wrote:

>Marty Rowe is the gentleman's name.  He also does the morning news from 
>6:00-9:00 am.  Can be heard on KOHI's web site,  I like the show because 
>they give local obituaries and feel good when I don't hear my name.
>Vancouver, WA


Too bad I'm way out of range of KOHI. I'd like to tune in and hear the 
difference when he
gets his new transmitter site up and running. So most his radials are gone. 
It appears he's
pretty sure he's going to get a new site soon because he doesn't seem to be 
in a hurry to
lay down new radials.

As a matter of fact, he could buy steel wire and run new radials in a jiffy 
and for minimal
cost. 32 radials would do him fine for the time being.

Interesting. I'm going to have to locate KOHI on my huge chronological mp3 
file of Whidbey
Island DX.

Meantime, that mean ole' Paul Walker won't tell me nothing about his ATU. 
Someone go to
WABV and lean on him REAL HARD, please.

Charles (Seeker of Wisdom and Truth, and a little bit of DX on the side)

   Charles A Taylor, WD4INP
  Greenville, North Carolina 

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