Re: [IRCA] Amateur with 5 towers
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Re: [IRCA] Amateur with 5 towers

Hi Chris
I think you mean Rush Darake W7RM He was a friend and my other oregonion KI7Y use to contest there.. BTW I also have 5 68' towers. I also managed EDXR before Lee Freshwater. I lived in Quincy Ma..
73 Mark W7MEM ex N7EIJ in FN42 for the next 2 weeks at Westminster, ma

-- "Chris Black" <n1cp@xxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:

I forget his call sign now  (he is SK), but in the 90s when I lived in 
Portland, that was a well known contest site. Every time we would drive by, 
I would tell my wife that I was going to do the same thing, which made her 
more than happy to be content with my meager antennas!

Chris Black,
Cape Cod

----- Original Message ----- 
From: <vroomski@xxxxxxxxxxx>
To: <irca@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Sent: Sunday, June 03, 2007 1:31 PM
Subject: [IRCA] Amateur with 5 towers

> Took a ride out to La Center, Washington yesterday and drove by a house on 
> acreage with 6 huge towers.  One tower had a huge moon-raker type antenna, 
> 10 meters? The other beams I guess were 15 m 20m 40m etc.  Very impressive 
> setup.  Looked like a small version of a VOA transmitter site.  Rotor 
> cables and coax a top posts leading to his transmitting room.
> He's got a good location on  a plateau away from any hills.  I will be 
> driving out to that area to buy strawberriers in a few weeks and will try 
> and take a few pictures of the towers.
> Dennis,
> Vancouver, wA
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