Re: [IRCA] The sky is not falling, and the hobby's far from dead
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Re: [IRCA] The sky is not falling, and the hobby's far from dead

Here in Europe there are a few DRM stations which I presume are the 
equivalent of IBOC.

There is a *10kW* station in Germany on 1593 kHz  - *750 miles* from 
here - which wipes out 1590 - a frequency which used to be an 
interesting one.

Here is a brief clip of 1590 from earlier this evening. Goodness only 
knows what it will be like if something similar is repeated a couple of 
hundred times on the band in the US.

And I should add its coming on to the back of my ewe!


Brett Saylor wrote:

>I know that this is still speculation, and that we'll see the results 
>soon enough, but a quick glance at the IBOC station list on Barry 
>McLarnon's site shows ~ 190 IBOC stations, enough to put the sideband 
>noise on just about every frequency in the AM band somewhere in the US. 
> From firsthand listening experience with WOR, WBZ and others' nighttime 
>IBOC, that's enough to pretty much blanket a good chunk of the country 
>for 500-1000 miles from the source. 

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