Re: [IRCA] TPs for 21 March
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Re: [IRCA] TPs for 21 March

At 07:11 AM 3/21/2007, you wrote:

>At 14:10 21/03/2007, you wrote:
>>   Perhaps you guys on the coast are soaking up
>>all the signal again!
>No, it's John Bryant on Easter Island doing the soaking up I 
>think.....this morning was quite a disappointment relatively 
>speaking, though I'm listening to 1566 in quite readable Chinese, if 
>I could only understand Chinese (this at 1410 UT, and there may be an 
>enhancement still to come)   But, in general, it was just the big 
>guns, though still pretty much every frequency had a carrier.
>reasonable audios: 594, 747, 774, 828, 1566 of course....only 
>oddballs were 639 (CC) and 1593 (JJ).
>not so reasonable audio: 558, 675, 738, 873, 1287,  1475, 1575
>probably a number of barely theres, but didn't take the time to dig.
>best wishes,

Not so fast, fellas.  I monitored between 13:39 and 14:30.  I agree that the bottom half was quite disappointing, but the upper half of the band was quite lively.  No, the signals were not earth shattering, but there was lots of audio up there that I don't often hear.  1475 was the strongest in ages, rating an 8 at 14:20, but gone on recheck now at 14:31.  There's a Filipino I'm sure on 1512 or 1512.1 with that Filipino quality, rating a 7 at times.  WYFR in decently at 6 to 7 on 1557 seemingly in // to 7125.  I don't think that 5920 is used anymore.  Several of the lower power NHK2 stations were also audible including 1377, 1386, and 1593.  So, despite anticipating better, I'm not displeased.  Here's the entire list:

279 (8), 558 567 594 738 (all 6), 774 (7), 828 873 945 (all 6), 1134 (7), 1161 (? open carrier...strong), 1170 (I'm sure I heard KBS Liberty 2 under cochannel US station), 1242 1278 1296 1314 (all 6), 1323 (CRI a 7), 1377 1386 (both 6), 1413 JOIF an 8 at 14:16, 1475 Malaysia an 8 at 14:20, 1494 1503 (both 6), 1512 (7 at times, probable Filipino), 1557 (WYFR Taiwan a 7 //7125), 1566 (8 HLAZ), 1575 and 1593 both 7s.  Not a bad haul....27 audios..........Walt

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