[IRCA] TPs for 2-28-07 1000 UT
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[IRCA] TPs for 2-28-07 1000 UT

A TP band-scan at 1000 ut revealed 8 TPs with audio.  

153     Russia, weak 1006

594     Japan, JOAK fair 1008

666     Japan, JOBX weak 1010

693     Japan, JOAB fair 1011

774     Japan, JOUB fair 1005

828     Japan, JOBB fair 1013

873     Japan, JOGB  1014 fair 

1566   Republic Korea, HLAZ weak 1021

Carrier Levels:

6)    1053 traces of audio.  

5)    1008

4)    639 738 891 1059 1116

3)    549 567 675 1017 1107 1125 1134 1179 1197 1206 1287 1314 1332 
       1368 1377 1386 1422 1503 1593

2)   558 648 657 684 702 711 747 765 783 837 846 855 864 918 936 1035 
      1215 1242 1296 1305 1323 1359 1413 1458 1575

Vancouver, WA
JRC 545 & R8B
37.6 F 
3 C
Local Sunrise 1451 ut
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