Re: [IRCA] New MW QSL (wahoo!)
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Re: [IRCA] New MW QSL (wahoo!)

At 03:15 12/12/2006, you wrote:

>Hooeeee, HOT DOG and YAHOO!!!!! As far as I know, only a few of us
>have ever heard a 6-call (Western Australia) from Grayland.... and
>that on only one occasion, June 20th, 1997, when several of us heard
>6WF in Perth, just barely, by paralleling it with other major ABC
>stations much more easily heard. Jean Burnell of Cappyhadden fame was
>there with us and was actually the first to spot that beauty.

And, ain't it interesting how conditions change over the 
decades.   I'll bet 6DL was a regular at Grayland in the 80's.  It 
was not unknown on the west coast Vancouver Island then, and was even 
heard at home using a 3' box loop and homebrew receiver, as was the 
W. Australia station on 558.  Yes, noise and splatter levels are 
generally higher now, but my recollection was that they weren't that 
difficult when they were heard.

Congratulations, John, on what is now a rare catch.

best wishes,


Nick Hall-Patch
Victoria, B.C.


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